It used to be every man, and many women, carried a knife. Now days, folks carry cell phones- we have different daily needs in many cases, plus it really isn't socially acceptable to wield a knife in public, if you can believe it. Don't have one around young kids that aren't you own without that Mom jerking those kids away from your "weapon."

So the question is this- have you been in a situation recently where you pulled out your knife, either to show it to someone or because something needed cut, only to see shock or angry on the faces of the people around you?

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Hal ..

re: sushi pics .. son using some very worn Cattaraugus kitchen cutlery .. knife has since been replaced w/ a "new" Catt of the same original model .. loosely equiv to a french chef knife .. in the general definition

knife pictured .. that's patina dude !!!! ... just kidding ...

I'm surprised he didn't crush it .. the knife was sharp enough that he cut himself & didn't realize till the blood .. still, it was his 1st time round w/ sushi .. easy to squish

.. thanks for the comments !!

Enjoy your day !!!
Ah I thought that was you. Yeah when it comes to sushi rolls technique and everything with it comes into play, again excuse my comment. The first time I also squished my rolls quite a bit lol, it requires very tender cutting to get it like the Sushi chefs gets it :)

Oh, and that's some wicked patina you got going on that blade lol, been working for it quite some time eh?

It's steaming hot right now but I guess I can kick off my short and pretend it's a sauna, hope you have cooler weather at your place!
.. when my son was about 7~8 .. in the local Coast-to-Coast Hdwe .. standing in front of the knife display .. he exclaims "Dad .. there's one just like your switchblade .. that I cut myself on !!" ..

!!! .. if looks could kill .. I'da never made it outta the store .. !!!
I love it!I wanna use ur idea 2 ok?I just used my Snody knife to eat strawberry cheezcake.Heck i coulda told some scared woman/man that the colors coordinate well and its just a pointy pie server!
People are afraid of what they do not know.The fact u try2 educate others about what we do and why we carry what we carry,promoting safety2 is awesome.I do the same thru my travels if/when possible.Heres a random pic of me in Utah.Have a knife day!
It is not the ez thing to do what you are doing.But the "small guys" in this big dog-eat-dog world are important too.I work with small AZ knife dealer,and I know what u do is not ez.Dont lose hope.Hava knife day!
We gotta invent the writing pen w/mini light saber blade!!Yes the fact of knives,people,and schools is all too true.I know it some of my carry blades dont look "friendly",but when I am near non-knife people,I try to keep these "Weapons of mass terror"hidden or put in my gear bag.If I use a blade then it is for a purpose.I put it away as soon as task is done.In Arizona,I have a great amount of freedom as far as carrying is concerned.I am damn happy to live here.God bless America.

.. was provided the "opportunity" to visit Columbia & Brazil .. News Corp & Telemundo joint venture provides S.A. w/ equivalent of DirecTV & Dish services .. I truely thought I knew the definition of 3rd world country .. I have a better understanding now !!!

Just re-read this topic and have to give my opinion again, especially since I nearly got assaulted by 5 guys in a car (well ok I told one of them I would kick him in the head if they didn't leave).


No lenses on, no knife on me, midnight taking a walk in a sleepy daze. I saw 2 of them reaching for knives but immediately switched my view to them, as did my trusty companion my German shephard - can always rely on her to take care of the first or second attack.


In any case, usually I always carry a knife, on daytime and evenings two, the last one meant for self defence. This time I had nothing, only my hands.

Those are the times you realize exactly what the things we use are; tools. The combat knife aids my fighting, the bush knife helps me cut wood. This time I had to work without tools and get much more down and dirty than usual due to their numbers.

        Yes, this happens to me all the time and I am a woman.  It makse me so angry.  I grew up in  rural Maine, and learned to respect and handle both knives and firearms when I was a small child.  They recoil and stare at me as if I were a criminal ro something. . .so much so that I have, for the most part unless I am in the woods, stopped carrying a knife. 

        "Why do you have those dangerous things in your house?" one ignorant (and may I say self rightous) woman blurted when she entered my kitchen and saw my prize Bowie knife laying on the table.  (I used it to cut cheese only moments before). 

        "They are not dangerous if you know how to use them," I replied, dissappointed that somebody I had invited into my home possessed such ridiculous (but all too common) befiefs.

You have the wrong kind of friends Isaac. :D

I remember back when I did Iaido, it was basically a mini-show after every practice because people wanted to show off their new swords and combat knives.


Ingrid, I certainly respect your point of view and absolutely share it myself. But if you put yourself in the shoes of someone who has perhaps only seen steel used for combat from medieval swords and storytelling and add in the problematic situation most of them have with improper use leading to cuts.


It often leads to serious misinterpetrations when it comes to well, the kind of scenario that happened for you. It's ridiculous I agree, but we are the users so we have to respect their fear and try our best to make it easy on the 'unknowing masses'. Atleast we have peace where we use them most of the time, you sound like my kind of girl though, with marksman training and wilderness survival. ;)

Can't stand the city girls, they call my precious natural sharpening stones crap and tell me to pawn them so they can go shopping. Fat chance, would rather sell her and go shop more stones.

What a great discussion topic!  A friend of mine was telling me a story about getting pulled over a while back and the police officer asked him if he had any weapons on him and he said no.  Then the officer asked him if he had a pocket knife on him and he replied "I've got pants on, don't I?" 

I want to get my girls one of those mini utility knives to carry on their on their key chains.  But with the zero tolerance policies at school, I know they would get suspended.  It's sad that something as innocuous as a small blade can cause such a knee jerk over reaction.

Which reminds me of another story.  I was going through port authority while boarding for a cruise.  I had a small 4 inch knife in my purse that they confiscated.  4 hours laters, I'm sitting in the dining room cutting my steak with a knife that had a HUGE 6 inch blade.  Where's the logic?

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