It's not to early to start planning, saving, shopping and hinting to those around you what knife you might want for Christmas. I for one have decided what knife I might want from old saint Nick. I can't tell y'all now its a secret. If y'all have decided please let us know. If its not a secret..lol

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Never to early to start that hinting...I may have to start making up my mind on this soon
Miss Jan, you can start hinting for a gun. Poor Donnie.lol

Santa is going to have his hands full this year, I usually don't ask for more than a pair of new socks.


(thumbnail, click for full res)


One of the best polishes I have ever seen on a stunning sword. The tempering line has been treated so perfectly it's jaw-dropping, simply put perfection. Without a master polisher's work this sword would overpower the senses and come off as overly aggressive.


This is a piece I would be able to learn a lot from, especially of the Hadori which is the last polishing stage, small and very thin finger stones lacquered over treated rice paper since they would just crumble up otherwise.


Very healthy and fresh sword, sadly not for free, roughly $20k US :(


So Santa if you're listening in on this, please just let me have this one and I won't ask for anything else ever - promise!

Dear Santa,

Please bring Halicon his sword AND a new pair of socks



LOL Donnie knows me soo well...no way he's buying me a gun.  He will help me pick one out if I decide to buy one though.  He will certainly pay for a shooting course because he wouldn't want to be the person teaching me.

I f you start saving now by the time Chritmas gets here you might have enough for that special knife you've been wanting. Hal, might take you awhile longer.

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