Hello SAK fan,
Actually my favorite SAKs are the different alox models. As an example of the colors I attach a pic of my farmers. Actually I have 4 colors.

See more colored alox pics in my album.

Do you also have alox SAKs, perhaps in other colors?
Please show me them.

Tags: Victorinox, farmer

Views: 39222

Replies to This Discussion

Ron Cooper said:

Martin, as with all of your Victorinox limited edition alox knives, these are beautiful! You undoubtedly have one of the most amazing collections that I have been privileged to see, albeit one or two knives at a time!

Cheers, my friend! One day I hope to see them all assembled at one place and photographed as a whole. One day...*he said with fingers crossed*

Thanks Ron!

I'm working on it ;-)    

Alox special run. Two First Mate in dark blue with silver and black logo. 50 pieces of each variation. Made by Victorinox in October 2013.

More info and pictures...


This knife is alox limited from victorinox

Front side of this knife

Alox limited that i have

last with Victorinox First Mate

Very nice alox, patta! This vintage red First Mate (above) is beautiful!

Nice collection you have patta. The limited (55 only) Thai Alox is one of the few that I'm still missing.

I envy you for it. :-)

You have a great collection of Alox knives.  I really liked the purple alox.  I think alox may be the next type of knives I collect.  thank you for sharing.

Folks, I am brand new to collecting SAK in Alox.  I have not bought any yet.  I was wondering what is a fair price range to pay for new in box cadet's or classic in colors.   I know that is a general question but any guidance on purchasing some would be appreciated.



Your question is indeed far too general to be able to answer with any degree of accuracy. With alox knives you would have to be much more specific. Model, age, color and the quantity produced all weigh heavily into the equation regarding what a specific knife might be worth. So, you see, without a specific knife to evaluate for consideration your question is really moot.

What I will recommend is that you start your alox collection with a Victorinox Farmer, a great 3 layer alox knife that can be purchased quite reasonably from Amazon. Here is a link: Victorinox Farmer That's a great price for a really handy knife and one of my personal favorites. But since you indicated you wanted a smaller knife here's a Cadet in the color black, also on Amazon at a really good price: Victorinox Cadet

You can't go wrong with either of those knives and you will have an opportunity to see what you think of alox knives. Generally speaking the silver alox are usually less expensive than the colored versions.

Perhaps someone else might have a suggestion for you, also?


jim Hayes said:

Folks, I am brand new to collecting SAK in Alox.  I have not bought any yet.  I was wondering what is a fair price range to pay for new in box cadet's or classic in colors.   I know that is a general question but any guidance on purchasing some would be appreciated.


Hello Ron, I see what you are saying.   I am interested in ALox becasue of the colors and look.  Which Alox it doesn't matter but which model tends to have the most colors?  Most of the alox with multiple colors I see at this second (with my week of looking) are the Classic and the Cadet; mostly the classic.  Does that observation hold true over time?

I guess what I was hoping for is some general guidlines.  For example: I have bought almost every limited edition Case stockman "new with box" over the last couple of months (except for 3).  I have paid (including shipping & tax) anwhere from $29 to $57 with the average being $44 dollars.

I have seen this knives new and used listed at prices sometimes up to double what I paid for them.  So what I am trying to avoid is being a new guy and paying too much up front.:)




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