Hello SAK fan,
Actually my favorite SAKs are the different alox models. As an example of the colors I attach a pic of my farmers. Actually I have 4 colors.

See more colored alox pics in my album.

Do you also have alox SAKs, perhaps in other colors?
Please show me them.

Tags: Victorinox, farmer

Views: 39166

Replies to This Discussion

Adriano Demarinis said:

Speaking of SwissBianco exclusive, here's my USA splash filework alox rambler. I think is a 2013 release.
It's a very special run: every sak features a "USA splash anodizing" plus a handmade filework on the back of the blade.
Another SB exclusive is on the way: i just picked up a moonlight silver soldier. I'll post picture when i'll get it.


Glad all you like it!

Andreas said:

Cant believe my eyes;

Ahahaha that's exactly what i tought when i saw it for the first time! I had to get one asap or my life would never be complete again!

Finally i got my moonlight silver soldier from SwissBianco. It's amazing! I just love the contrast between the grey and the red of the shield.
Plus here's my farmer route 66 with the old cross style scale.

Those are fantastic Adriano!

Wow! Both knives are amazing, Adriano! I love the Moonlight Silver Soldier, fersure! But that Route 66 Farmer has been on my wish list for a verrry lonnng time!

I do believe I'm turning slightly green with envy after viewing these photographs.

Congratulations, my friend! Enjoy these beautiful knives in high spirits and good health!

Hey Adriano, are these custom made?

We do not have any Swiss Bianco within 2500 km radius....

I am with Ron, the route 66 is just awesome!


Perhaps I can shine a little light on your inquiry about "Swiss Bianco?" 

Swiss Bianco is actually a person named Roger Remund. He has a very close relationship with Victorinox and over the past few years has been instrumental in bringing about numerous special projects and limited edition Victorinox alox knives.

Here is a link that will give you a better idea of how Roger has influenced Victorinox' alox knives: Swiss Bianco <-----Click on link.

Also, be sure to look up in the right hand corner of Swiss Bianco's page and click on "Home" - That will take you to all things Alox. In fact, you can just click on it here: Alox World <-----Click on link.

And, yes! Adriano's alox knives as represented in his photographs are limited edition "custom" knives, produced in very limited numbers - usually 50 or less. 

I hope this has been helpful. I also hope that Adriano doesn't mind that I've attempted to answer a question that was directed specifically to him?


Oops! I just noticed that one of the links I've provided above is not working. So, let me try again. This is for the Home Page of Alox World: Alox World Link Hopefully this will work? If not then just do as I had originally suggested and go to the upper right hand corner of the first link that was provided in my previous post, entitled "Swiss Bianco" and click on "Home."

Cheers! And sorry for all of the edits. Color me anal. 

Apart from the name I knew this. Still they do not ship to my country and this makes me getting fever every time I see such a knife. I was able to purchase some Bianco ones from ebay but they were extremely expensive

Thank you all for the compliments!


I don't mind Ron! Thanks for the help, indeed! The more the merrier!
I can relate with you about the craving for a farmer route 66... I'll tell you an anecdote of how i got mine...
The news about this new sak really got me because i love the old style cross scale. I was so hyped!
I spotted one on ebay for a reasonable price and waited the last minute to bid and hopefully win. I was on my mobile but the connection lagged so hard that i lost the auction. I would have won for sure with the amount i had in mind! I was very sorrowful and disappointed. They stole it under my nose!
Fortunately the next week another one popped up; i stayed awake until 3 in the morning to spectate the auction. I won at a higher price but i regret nothing!
I hope you'll find one, one day or another!

Yes, these knives are specifically made for SwissBianco by Victorinox. SwissBianco collaborates closely with Victorinox; for example, damascus steel saks were created from their mutual collaboration.
Check the latest models on his website: http://www.swissbianco.com/products/sak/foldingknives.html. If you live outside the USA you have to contact him via e-mail to buy a product. I think you can work out a solution with him.

Some gold.

Classic, Cadet and Pionner in Alox gold.

Or mam and dad with baby :-)


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