i see pics of knives that are folks edcs,they are perfect.i carry a knife for a week and it looks like its been around awhile.i must be doing something wrong.but then again i like rust and scratches and all the things that make my knife mine.they might just be a reflection of me.

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When I carry my iKC whittler, it stays in a pocket pouch. My other edcs are allowed to develop pocket rash.
I like mine to have some character also, John.

Well, for the most part..my knives have pocket clips. So they're not rubbing against anything but cotton. 

I don't carry coins in my pocket. I use a card to buy things and I do spend cash and get coins, I put them in my truck. I also keep my keys in another pocket besides, my knife pocket. There a few things you can do to not scratch your knife. If you are scratching the blade while sharpening, you are sharpening incorrectly. You should never scratch a blade while sharpening.

i guess im just a old farmer,i use it put it back in my pocket.its my edc,what makes life happen here.i have lots of collector knives but there not edc.they mean work to me.what i count on and not look at.

Yes once a knife is put in my collection, it is never used. I have enough users, so the collection knives are safe. A lot of my collection is vintage knives and some have ware but I feel they have did there time as users. Some have really tempted me to use them. I have a vintage Robeson Grand Daddy Barlow, that tempted me the most I guess. It would make a great user.

I tend to take a picture of a knife when I first get it and if I post a pic of it later as my edc I just reuse that first picture I took.


I keep mine polished up. I guess it's a reflection of me too. I shave my head and I keep a coat of wax on it. LOL!

I like to polish some of my favorites not all though. I love a patina they form.

  My hairs a little long and shaggy, maybe I could still polish it...LOL 

My EDC is a Case Mini Blackhorn.  I just drop it in my left pocket with my car keys and change.  (Nothing but my S&W .38 snub ever goes in my right pocket.)  It is not pristine but doesn't look a lot different than the day I bought it.  On Sunday and special occasions I carry my Case amber jigged bone engraved Mini Copperlock.  It too goes in my left pocket but I slip it in a little velvet lined, buckskin sheath to protect it from my keys and change.  It is still pristine.

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