Post a photo here.  It must include a Christmas theme and a knife.  See that was easy.  One of our Moderators will draw a name out of the hat on December 24th LOL

Tags: 2014, Case, Christmas, Knife, Win, a

Views: 2412

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One dau I will take the time to learn how to post a photo. Oh the simple things.

Frank now is the time!  The second icon on the left top of the box you type in allows you to choose a picture from your computer and enter it here!

You can never go wrong with a Case!  I have more expensive knives in my collection but none I value more a Case i received  as a gift.

Adding an image is pretty simple.  Here is how it works

First determine what image you want to add and put it on your computer.  That might be the hardest part.  Make sure it is somewhere you can find it on your computer!

Next:  Click on the little picture icon above the comment box (see image below)

A pop up window will display.  Click the browse button and start looking for your image.  I find it easiest to put the images I want in an easy to find folder or on the computer desk top so I know where to look!

Now it is time to start looking!  I've got hundreds of folders nested in hundreds of folders so for me that can be a challenge!

But eventually I find what I want or just take anothe rphot of the item and put it on my desktop!

Eventually you find your pic.  Choose it and click OPEN

The pop up window will return.  Wait for the little spinny thing to stop spinning and click OK

Your image will magically appear in the comment box you are typing in.

Click the ADD REPLY and your job is done!

Hey Tobias did you notice the Christmas pickle made it into the calendar?  I couldn't resist


Jan Carter said:

One of our Moderators will draw a name out of the hat on December 24th LOL

No Grinch stealing this one Fingers!

I've been looking for that knife forever!  I bet it is still on the tree or was tossed in with the Christmas Decorations!   It's a "Ducks Unlimited" Victorinox Calssic SD!

Jan Carter said:

Hey Tobias did you notice the Christmas pickle made it into the calendar?  I couldn't resist

Hopefully it will be found this season!!

I found my ducks unlimited SAK. It was never removed from the tree last year. Good thing it was a fake tree!

Tobias Gibson said:

I found my ducks unlimited SAK. It was never removed from the tree last year. Good thing it was a fake tree!
ROFLMBO! ! ! ! ! ! !

Ducks Unlimited SAK along with a present from last year!   Duck them Halls, y'all!

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