Fans, collectors, and/or anyone interested in Ernest Emerson's Legendary Hard Use Knives..."To Some They Are Accessories... To Others They Are Necessities."



Ernest R. Emerson (born March 7, 1955) is an American custom knifemaker, martial artist, and edged-weapons expert. Originally an engineer and machinist in the aerospace industry, Emerson became a knifemaker known for making decorative knives but later became better known for his combat knives, eventually founding a production company to mass-produce his designs, and popularizing a style of knife known as the Tactical-folder. 

Emerson's knives have been displayed as museum pieces, designed for use by Navy SEALs, and used by NASA in outer space. They have also been featured in films and novels, furthering their popularity with collectors. 

Emerson is an accomplished martial artist who has developed a combatives system, Emerson Combat Systems, which has been taught to police officers, elite military units, and civilians...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernest_Emerson 


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Comment by J.T. [HELLZZARMY] on February 18, 2011

How's about this blade another Emerson knife I wish I owned!   Emerson developed the SSDS model: a larger, hooked blade with a serrated, doubled-edged spine.  This blade's profile resembled the horn of a Rhinoceros and its more popular name is the Rhino.   The blade folded below the level of the handle scales so the user could not be cut by this extra edge, a small hole drilled through both handle scales and liners allowed the blade to be held in place so it would not open on a parachute jump and cause harm to the operator.   Although the knife functioned perfectly in the field, its final design was too extreme for the Navy

Comment by J.T. [HELLZZARMY] on February 18, 2011


http://www.pcknives.com/es1m.htm  check-out this page on how  the Commander about and the patenting of the "wave feature."  Developement for SERE blade for Ft.Bragg then the west coast Navy Seals...ES1-M (size of a Super Commander).

Comment by J.T. [HELLZZARMY] on January 15, 2011 

Emerson's site has limited amounts of the Eotac knives available.

Comment by J.T. [HELLZZARMY] on November 23, 2010

Roadhouse winner of Best American Made Knife of The Year...
from the PLAZA Custom knife show

Comment by AlecsKnives on February 11, 2010

I will see Ernest tomorrow in NY. I thought I would have to buy a new one, but I dont and I am so glad!!!!! I was carrying my old cold steel recon tanto, but now I have my Emerson !!! Yay.

Comment by J.T. [HELLZZARMY] on December 5, 2009

Emerson's knives are featured in mystery, spy, military, action, and adventure novels. At least seven of Richard Marcinko's Rogue Warrior novels (Red Cell, Green Team, Task Force Blue, Detachment Bravo, SEAL Force Alpha, Violence of Action and Holy Terror) prominently feature Emerson's knives (CQC6 or CQC7) as a regularly carried piece of equipment.

The protagonist, Marcinko, uses an Emerson CQC6 or CQC7 on various occasions. On page 175 of Task Force Blue, Marcinko remarks that his CQC6 was a "personal gift from Ernie Emerson, himself".

Comment by Chris Stookey on November 28, 2009

Mr. Emerson called it the way that it really is! Our government needs to STOP trying to placate other governments and organizations. Terrorism is "terrorism". Whether it's domestic, foreign, religious, or environmental has absolutely no bearing on the result. Do those killed by the terrorists care what the motivation was? Of course not! That Hasan was Muslim doesn't change the fact that his actions were absolutely those of a terrorist. If a Christian did the same thing would our government be so reluctant to call the act what it was? Speaking of religion...how many terrorist actions around the world involve Christian Terrorists? Compare that to those that involve Islamic Terrorists. Isn't it interesting that no media will make this comparative? This isn't just because Christian faith is about love and forgiveness. The Old Testament has plenty of text that a violently-inclined Christian could interpret as justification for killing people. This isn't to say that it never happens; Ireland is fairly current example. Yet...how many Christians choose that path? No...not every Muslim is a terrorist. Not all Muslims hate America. However, in countries where Islam is the predominant faith, there seems to be a cultural bent towards hating America and committing violence. Coincidence? Of course not! Nor is that hatred the result of capitalistic exploitation (which the liberal media would love for you to believe). Oddly, that culturally-cultivated hatred isn't reserved solely for the Western world...because when those religious sects aren't busy hating America, they focus on killing those around them. If Israel didn't exist, does anyone actually believe that the killing would stop? It would not. Sect would attack sect...largely because the Middle Eastern culture allows morally corrupt people to use religion...specifically Islam...as a method to manipulate others into doing their will. It is used as a vehicle for political power. Sad...but true. Does any rationally-intelligent Muslim really believe that Allah will reward these people for hijacking Islam as a tool for their own designs? I'm not Muslim, but I have a hard time believing that God wouldn't punish those people accordingly. Sorry for the rant...but what Mr. Emerson said hit a nerve. Oh...by the way. Thank our liberal government for passing laws that restrict soldiers from carrying (firearms) on base. Boy that law worked out well didn't it? The government officials that passed that law killed those innocent people just as surely as Hasan did. Hasan was a Muslim Terrorist. FACT.

Comment by J.T. [HELLZZARMY] on November 21, 2009 


November 10, 2009

It Was Terror

I am not politically correct. I refuse to be intimidated. I am not scared of Islam, Muslims, or any other group that exists on this earth. It was an act of terror and he was a Muslim. Are they related? You’re damn right they are. And I don’t need all the facts to be in. Knowing what shoe he tied first is just a smokescreen to hope this all goes away as quietly as possible.

This is the way I see it.

1.He was a Muslim
2.He was constant in his opposition against the US and the Military actions in Muslim countries – against fellow Muslims.
3.He glorified the ideal of suicide bombers.
4.He has been listening to the sermons of one of the most radical clerics of Islamic Fundamentalism via the internet in Yemen.
5.He tried to contact Al Qaeda. Two things here; If he’d gotten through do you think they would have told him to stand down? 2nd If I’d tried to call Heinrich Himmler during World War II would I have been consorting with the enemy? And what was the purpose of such a call. Does anyone believe that he was going to counsel Al Qaeda leaders to be kinder and gentler or was he looking for advice or affirmation? You tell me.
6.He was shouting Allah Akbar as he killed those innocent soldiers. Where have we seen and heard that before?
7.If this was because he was despondent about being deployed why didn’t he just shut himself in a room and blow his own brains out? Maybe AWOL would have been a better cowards choice. He was going to commit suicide. Suicide by cop at least. He knew there was no way he was going to escape. So it was an act of Jihadist terror to kill infidels, moreover, the infidel soldiers so he could become a martyr in his death. It just didn’t quite have the finish he was seeking.
8.Whether he acted alone or not does not matter to me. It doesn’t matter if there was not one single other person involved in his act. He was driven by his Islamic faith and by the glory and honor given to terrorists around the world by radical Islam time and time again. We can call a guy who burns a bunch of cars in a parking lot an eco-terrorist. We can call someone who kills an abortion doctor a religious terrorist. We can call a drug cartel assassin a Narco-terrorist. Yet, someone in Washington is scared to death to put the words Muslim and terrorist in the same room let alone in the same sentence.
It’s time this administration man up. It’s time for this administration to accept responsibility. It’s time for this administration to admit that it happened on their watch.

Nidel Malik Hasan was a terrorist.

Nidal Malik Hasan committed a cowardly terrorist act.

It was a Muslim Terrorist Act.

These soldiers, these Americans who were killed and wounded deserve the truth. Anything less is a dishonor to their memory.

Ernest Emerson
November 10, 2009

Comment by J.T. [HELLZZARMY] on October 4, 2009 

The 12 Clues of Ernest Emerson's Mystery Project "X"

So the clues are as follows:

1. You cant' own one in England
2. It can be brown, it can be black. It can be both
3. You can operate with one hand if you choose
4. If you have it in your hands you will get people's attention
5. It has the number 2 in its name.
6. It might be a knife
7. It might not be a knife
8. It is long, it is short
9. It is a weapon-Could be an Apocalypse weapon
10. It has two 2's in its name
11. Think Spike
12.You should be able to put 2+2 together now...

You have got it, almost. It is an Emerson/Spikes Tactical 22 AR Rifle with an Emerson CQC-22 knife. The rifle is also called the CQC-22. A prototype rifle will be at the gathering. Knife is not done yet.


Comment by J.T. [HELLZZARMY] on August 20, 2009

Hey Guys...I was talking to a Special Agent from I.C.E. (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) today. When in walks Custom Knife-Maker Thomas Mayo. The Agent was buying a knife from him.

Anyway, as those situations go inevitably the talk comes around to "what are you carrying." When I mentioned I had a CQC-11 Tom says, "I'm seing Ernie (Emerson) in Vegas next month. I say at the USN (Usual Suspects Network) 1st Annual Gathering. He ask if I was going. I had grudgingly say no...the Wifey is smart enough not trust me to go to Vegas alone.

Anyway, Tom volunteers to mention me to Ernie and bring me back something from Emerson. I hope this pans out. Normally I don't "pine" over celebrities or say the "POTUS" Secret Service-speak for President of the United States. But, Knife Community Royalty like Tom Mayo and Ernest Emerson...that's a no-brainer..I would rather talk to them.

I'll let you know what I get...if anything.

Comment by J.T. [HELLZZARMY] on August 14, 2009

The only thing I can think of is adjusting the pivot point but, you probably already tried that. Sorry, haven't experienced what you described...have you gone back to where you got it for an exchange?

If defective...Guarantee...

"Your Emerson knife is guaranteed against defects in material and workmanship and has a limited lifetime warranty, to the original owner. This guarantee is void if the knife has been abused beyond normal wear and tear or used beyond what are considered the normal parameters for a folding knife. It is up to the discretion of Emerson Knives whether to repair or replace damaged or defective items, and we reserve the right to replace old or out of date parts with new parts as necessary. For warranty service ship the knife postage paid and insured with $14.00 (Contact us for the shipping price if outside Cont. U.S.) for return shipping directly to Emerson Knives."

Comment by J.T. [HELLZZARMY] on May 14, 2009

"Emerson Knives has a solid granite, if not legendary, status among the world's elite military and Law Enforcement agencies. This is a hard earned and much honored reputation for Emerson Knives. We fought tooth and nail for this reputation every step of the way, and we will not relinquish it. This status is the result of the way that we design our knives, the way we build our knives and the way we do our business. We know that your life, the life of a partner, teammate, or a loved one may depend on the use of that Emerson knife in a time of crisis. Emerson Knives is a serious company run by serious people. That's the attitude we have about our knives, our work, and our responsibility to you."

"I will stand toe to toe with any other company on earth to defend it."

Ernest R. Emerson


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