I know it is very hard to narrow it down to just one or two of your favorite knife manufactures but try! If necessary give a top 3. It can be a custom knife maker or a factory maker, any and all are welcome!

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I would have to say...
1. ColdSteel- They are making some of the most high quality knives at an affordable price.
2. Ka-Bar- They too are also making awesomely affordable blades.
3. Its a Tie between Spyderco and SOG for me... A bit more expensive but totally worth every penny.
Al Mar is definately my current favorite. Although that's probably because I don't own any benchmades yet. =P
Ahhh I'm going to cold steels annual yard sale this month
I hope I can pick up a voyager medium for a edc :)

And my girlfriend is getting me the scimitar
.. Idk if I want black or polish tho haha
I would have to say:
1. Kershaw
2. Cold Steel
3. Spyderco

Up until this year, I was one of those people that absolutely hated spyderco but for some reason they seem to have grown on me.
2. Rat Cutlery
3. Cold Steel

CRKT was up there until i got a job
1) CRKT - the M16 line. I'm a Rural Brigade Fire Department Chaplain and CRKT's fire fighter's knife is perfect!

2) Marble - From my days as a kid with my first "real knife."

3) Queen Cultlery - the knife I use for whittling. The No. 9 suits small mods. for a great whittler, and they suit my hand size for long sessions without tiring. Can't beat good ol' D2 steel.

I realise these don't neccesarily fall into tactical category; but each brand supplies knives that I would be happy to "survive with" at a pinch.
My top five would be:
pretty much in that order..
Top three:
1. Swamp Rat Knife Works
2. Scrap Yard Knife Company
3. Zero Tolerance (Military division of Kershaw)

Its such unlike products as survival knives and tactical folders into one list, so if I were to limit it to only tactical knives:

1. Zero Tolerance
2. Benchmade
3. Spyderco

And only survival Knives

1. Swamp Rat
2. Scrap Yard
3. Rat Cutlery

I'm not sure where Busse would fit in all of this, but they're entirely outside my price range
I would say
1. Ruana

EMERSON KNIVES...Enerst Emerson makes some BAD@SS knives. I have several of his CQC-7s, Commanders, CQC-8, Karambit, Raven, and SpecWar A. I plan on getting a CQC-15 and CQC-T.
This is an easy one,

1. Scrap Yard.
2. Busse.
3. Swamprat.
Go with the polished scimitar it's much better, as a matter of fact, it might be one of the greatest knife designs ever done imo

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