With all the newest Patterns coming out this year I thought I would ask this again.  I have a hard time with this one.  Donnie favorite working pattern is the 5382M.  His favorite carrying pattern is a 73 linerlock follwed by the 72 lockback.  I still think my favorite is the 66.  Thats his preferred carrying for a sunday go to meetin knife.  So whats you Favorite??

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My "Go to Meetin" knife is a 735109 Northfield Burnt Stag,my Favorite EDC is a 252208 Northfield Barlow,Sawcut Tan Bone,and my "Kickin Knife" is a 128109 Tidioute Smooth Natural Bone.I might have any or all of these on me at any given time.I'm anxiously awaiting the 66 Serpentine Jack,one of my favorite all time knife patterns.But,the old Barlow was first my love,i been carryin one,not the same one,for 48 years!
Bob Andrews
You can never go wrong witha Barlow Bob. Never go wrong carrying three knives either LOL
Not me.. Are you just carrying it or are you using it?
I'm not tryin to be smart Jan,but why would someone carry a knife and not use it? I guess people do it,but it just doesn't make sense to me.Just carryin it will get the "mint" off of it,might as well cut somethin.And any pocket knife worth carryin,cuttin somethin won't hurt it!
My choices are the 5383 Stockman and the 2351 in either a linerlock or non-lock.
3 blades for the smaller jobs and a larger one for the big stuff.
Spending most of my life in the livestock industry a Stockman is just part of the "uniform".
Besides being a favorite in any case.

(I still make nice pen blades out of those spey blades though!)
I've met knife people who carried a 3 blade Stockman,and had each blade sharpened to a different degree,for a different purpose.The main Clip Blade razor sharp,for real,serious,important CUTTING.The Sheepsfoot moderatly sharp for stripping light wire,cutting plastic,cardboard,etc.and the Spey Blade dulled down for scraping gaskets,pokin,pushin,scrapin type stuff.Without a doubt,these are SERIOUS knife people.

LOL, I heard tell there are folks out there that have knives in thier pockets they dont use. Never can tell these days.
You're right Bob. The 3 blade Stockman gives a nice variation of blades for different jobs. Personally, my 5383 has the spey blade ground the thinner of the three so, after I transform it into a pen blade, it gets honed scary sharp for fine work. The sheepsfoot is rather thick ground so it is my scraping and heavier cutting blade, while the beautiful muskrat main blade is useful where a longer blade is needed. All are kept shaving sharp just because sharpening is an additional hobby of mine and is relaxing for me to do. Love my 5383!!
Now that is a mighty fine lookin toothpick!!
THAT is the quality of GEC!!
As you all know I frequent many sites that focus on GEC and the many wonderful people that use and collect them. Every once in a while i come accross an article that falls into what we have been discussing on here. Please understand, I lead no one to any one dealers site. We have many great dealers that particpate here and add much value to our discussions. Since this was about what we like to use as our favorites I thought I would share this article that is on a blog. To our regular dealers on here, please understand I watch your information for the same puposes, just GEC information. I would love to see each of you add a blog section so we could get even more GEC info because you all know I am a GEC junky. With that being said. check out this article http://blog.tsaknives.com/

Craig T. (max) McGruder said:

Jan Carter said:
As you all know I frequent many sites that focus on GEC and the many wonderful people that use and collect them. Every once in a while i come accross an article that falls into what we have been discussing on here. Please understand, I lead no one to any one dealers site. We have many great dealers that particpate here and add much value to our discussions. Since this was about what we like to use as our favorites I thought I would share this article that is on a blog. To our regular dealers on here, please understand I watch your information for the same puposes, just GEC information. I would love to see each of you add a blog section so we could get even more GEC info because you all know I am a GEC junky. With that being said. check out this article http://blog.tsaknives.com/
I recieved that Blog in my email, I found it very interesting and I know there are others on here that sell GEC's it would be interesting if they have the same or different results. Bob you listening? Whats your hottest sellers? anybody else? Just curious! I've never purchased anything from tsa. Only own two but I like what I own! Probably get more! Toothpicks!!!!!!
My experiences have been very similar to Greg's The 73,in any form,is the most popular pattern.I haven't had quite as much sucess with the 89's as Greg has,but the 2-blade Riverboat Gambler has been quite popular.The new 66 pattern Jack Knife has been moving very well for me. And anything in Burnt Stag goes right thru here and out the door.For me,serial numbered knives don't move very well.
Bob Andrews


White River Knives

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