I've been here for a while and just found military knives. I thought Kabar collectors club was the closest thing here to military. Anyway,that's about all I spend money on these days. I have a lot of Kabars,Camillus 1219c2 And recently am trying to put a mint/near mint set of M-4 Bayonets together. I still need a Utica and maybe a upgrade to the Pal I have. I really love these things! That's about all for now about me. Here are the last two I picked up this week. A Camillus and a Case.

Tags: Bayonets, M-4

Views: 903


Replies to This Discussion


John w schmidt said:

These are items I got from a gal in Ga. These are mostly real!

John w schmidt said:
Thanks Jan! Let's see German Military?
These are Fantasy knives made for sale to people who don't know any better. They are interesting though. Fairly well made.

Wait a minute John!  I know better but bought the whittler anyway!    I also have the Deutschland Erwacht penknife. There are very few  genuine Nazi Folders out there.   From what I understand a few of the penknives are reproductions of original Nazi promotional knives, including the Deutschland Erwacht.  However the Adolf Hitler penknives and  anything not a penknife is a fantasy knife.

Most of the Nazi  re-pro and fantasy pocket knives  cropped up in the 1960s when  the Outlaw Biker Movies and Surfer Craze was big and Iron Crosses and all things Nazis was very counter culture.  They remained popular in the 1970s.   If you weren't sporting a peace symbol around your neck, you probably had a surfer cross.

I only said that cause I at first thought they might be good. I also got this one that someone bought from me. It's German. I forget the maker,starts with a Ros,Rostrife or something. I don't know a lot about folders.





No one can learn from history they do not know ..or.. choose to ignore.

Not knowing or acknowledging history can cause a repeat of the same mistakes.

  Therein lies the danger !!!


'n nice M-4's

Jan Carter said:

My thoughts also guys.  It IS history, not recognizing that it happened and what it was, is dangerous.  Recognizing history doesn't mean you approved of it

Very cool.  I have a Nazi Iron Cross in a box somewhere.  It was my uncles, and by that I mean he was awarded it because that half of the family fought for the other side.  And I agree with Jan that we can't forget history.


That is actually kind of cool.  At least you know it is authentic LOL

Ah!! Ha!!Ha!! Good one Jan!
Great looking Crosses! Well kept.

John w schmidt said:
Ah!! Ha!!Ha!! Good one Jan!

I definitely agree that you need to keep your collecting interests in perspective, That it is HISTORY, You do have a fascinating collection.

I think it boils down to "symbols". Symbols are what ties groups together in strong bonds.If that group ain't the good guys then their symbols are reminders of their actions. It's difficult to overcome that aspect, even if you want to study and collect them. What other collectible do you need to give a reason as preface to your collecting interests?

Unfortunately symbols - and their accompanying "memory" do not fade easily. One hundred fifty years later one of the most contentious areas of symbols and memory is our own Civil War!!!

I do know that in modern Germany such symbols are legally banned. Yes Germans do have such collectibles as yours but showing such items can sometimes lead to complications. I also believe that because such items are banned, Germans of today's generation know less about WW II than other countries. So yes memory and history are fading. For example, to this day there is no veterans day, decoration day, memorial day, veterans organizations like VFW, etc. in Germany. The German soldier, whether he fought in the Napoleonic Wars or WW II, is not remembered.

My German Teacher from High School was a German Soldier soldier in World War II. Before "joining" the Wehrmacht he "joined" the Hitler Youth.   These things were mandatory in Nazi Germany.  He was was wounded twice on the Russian Front.  He was recuperating in Hospital that was captured by the Americans at the end of the War. By then he was a seasoned army veteran and was all of 16 years old!  You can pretty much do the math.  He was 4 when Hitler came to power.

Your a smart Feller Michael! These are my more cherished symbols.

Michael D. said:

I definitely agree that you need to keep your collecting interests in perspective, That it is HISTORY, You do have a fascinating collection.

I think it boils down to "symbols". Symbols are what ties groups together in strong bonds.If that group ain't the good guys then their symbols are reminders of their actions. It's difficult to overcome that aspect, even if you want to study and collect them. What other collectible do you need to give a reason as preface to your collecting interests?

Unfortunately symbols - and their accompanying "memory" do not fade easily. One hundred fifty years later one of the most contentious areas of symbols and memory is our own Civil War!!!

I do know that in modern Germany such symbols are legally banned. Yes Germans do have such collectibles as yours but showing such items can sometimes lead to complications. I also believe that because such items are banned, Germans of today's generation know less about WW II than other countries. So yes memory and history are fading. For example, to this day there is no veterans day, decoration day, memorial day, veterans organizations like VFW, etc. in Germany. The German soldier, whether he fought in the Napoleonic Wars or WW II, is not remembered.



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