I have missed going to this show, always seem to be working.  I seriously doubt I will ever miss it again.  At 200 tables of heaven.  From old to new and collections you will never see elsewhere, this was a dream day.

The drive over was uneventful and we talked a lot about being happy to finally make it the 35 miles to the Gator Cutlery Club show.  Thank you Aaron Brown for meeting us there, it was good to see you outside of the office.

Imagine my surprise when we walked up and there stood Lisa Sebenik from NKCA.  I had no idea they would be here.  Had a good chat and headed inside to see what the day would bring.  I went to a table with some outstanding work on it and discovered a maker I had never heard of, Zollan McCarty.  There was a gentleman at the show with three tables of display only (not for sale) McCarty's.  The work that maker did would take your breath away.  I put up a few pics of some of it but trust me when I tell you they do it no justice.

From there it was a whirl wind trip to the other corner to see some local friends that are set up.

Stopped to see some alligator sheaths that are made here in FL by a man that truly loves what he does.  He is making a custom sheath for another friend and I will get some pics when it is done for us

An outstanding job of bringing in vendors that sell knife making materials.  Alabama Damascus was there and 4 or 5 tables with lots of bones and tusks to be had.  We did enjoy the day very much and tomorrow I am set up to be able to update us live from the show.  Going from booth to booth and showing you what this show has to offer.  Unique to this show is the ruling from the club that any vendors table must be 85% knives or materials.  So 200 tables equals a lot of knives.

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As the week goes forward I will be adding some info on the knives, the show and the makers I met and spoke with.  Hoss Knives, first time I have met he and his wife.  What a great couple, working together on the knives and at the shows.  Just a bit of a preview...

Those are some great looking knives, hope to hear more from them. Met our new member Jon last night and he does a great job on those switchblades

He does and it is nice to now have someone that works on them :)

Wow -- Great pics, Jan! I can hardly wait to see more. Looked like it was a really good show. Thanks for making us feel like we were there and part of it.

Ron, I can not tell you what a pleasure it is to have iKC there with me at a show.  I like knowing you are all enjoying the knives and the atmosphere as much as I am.  I will get more pics up as quickly as I can

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