GEC Northfield UN-X-LD Equal End Serpentine Turquoise #661212 Knife Review

Classic, style, power, elegance is what comes to mind when handling and using this knife.  Oh yes.  Words fail in description of this knife.

A Turquoise Moose Steel Sahlute to one and all!

Before I get all wrapped up in steel and turqoise, let me inform you that Chris Tucker at www.greateasterncutlery.net has a small supply of these left.  I believe she has 29.  The price is $98.43, plus $10.00 for shipping.  Limited supplies.....seriously.  Call 814-827-3411 and ask for Chris!

Knife Review

Product Specifications:
Made in USA
Equal End Serpentine, Slip Joint Knife
Clip Blade- 1095 Carbon Steel (Northfield UN-X-LD stamped on blade). 2.5"
Spear Point Blade - 1095 Carbon Steel (Moose stamped on blade) 2.5"
Slanted Bolsters, Dimpled - Nickle Silver
Turquoise Acrylic Handles
3 7/16th" long closed
Beautiful CLOUD shield

Man, ooooooooooooooooooooooh man, just describing this knife and specifying the specs spilleth over with elegance and quality. 

Last weekend I helped a family member do some moving. In between picking up furniture I stopped twice to have a cigar.  Yeah, there wasn't much furniture, and I didn't do much work, BUT I did enjoy a couple of cigars!  Now, here's why I mention all this.  While smoking my 2nd cigar, I grabbed this GEC Moose knife and a tree branch and began a feeble attempt at whittling.  Yeah, I wasn't really whittling, it was more like bothering my knife.  I could almost hear the knife screaming, "REALLY, is this what I'm cut out for?"  ;-(

Fast forward a few days.

I pull the knife out to cut paper.  You know.  The old paper cutting test.  Yeah.

Amazing.  Perfect.  Razor sharp.  And, this is after I whittled and didn't think to put a new edge on it.  I guess it didn't need a new edge.  I've cut everything from paper to boxes in the last couple of weeks and this knife delivers every time.  Money!

I'm impressed with Great Eastern Cutlery knives.  I am.  Every knife they create and produce beckons quality.  GEC exemplifies the proud American worker and products of years gone by, smack dab in the middle of a society consumed with scratching-clawing penny savers.  GEC , on the other hand, over delivers on high quality, supremely manufactured knives meant to use and collect.    

Let's review, shall we? 

The TRIPLE F (Fit, Finish and Functionality) - 10.0
The knife is tight.  It's solid.  It's, well......... impecable.  The snap on each blade is solid, not gator like, but solid and I like that.  I'm knot a fan of nail breaking blade opens.
Knice long pull nail nicks.  I love that too!
Each angle fits perfectly.  The blades rest perfectly straight in their cavities.  And there's a thickness to the blades, over 1/16th"
Real, real knice swedge on each blade.  Just, just.....magnificent.  A perfect score in the Triple F!

Collectibility -10.0
Here's the scoop on Great Eastern Cutlery knives right now.  They've been in existence for less than 10 years, but I firmly believe these knives will command close to their original selling price in 20, 30, or 40 years.  Knot only do they perform at the highest level, knife enthusiasts are purchasing different models just to collect the sets manufactured.  Outside of CASE Knives I believe this is one of the hottest, most sought out knife in the industry! I know I want more!

Accessibility - 9.0
It's no secret I like auto assited open knives.  I do.  Any knife that requires both hands to open, gets a smidge of a demerit.  Even though I reside in the heat of the Sunshine State, I think of using this knife in a cold weather climate while hunting for deer in a snow storm and you need to scrape pine tree bark to build a fire .  See, that's where you have to remove both gloves, or at least one, to open a blade for scraping.  That's the pickle.  It's just my observation and consideration in this declaration. ;-) 

Value - 9.5
As mentioned above it's a $100 knife.  Will it outlast 5 twenty dollar knives?  I think so.  Will it be worth close to it's price tag if you resell it in 30 years?  I think so.

Steel Sahlute Score - 9.7 Steel Sahlutes!!!!

Call Chris Tucker at www.greateasterncutlery.net to order. Only 29 remain. The price is $98.43, plus $10.00 for shipping. Limited supplies.

Call 814-827-3411 and ask for Chris!

No, I don't receive any commission for this.

Steel Sahlute steel brothers and sisters!!


Tags: GEC, USA, knife, made, review

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Replies to This Discussion

Thanks for that info Scott a very good looking knife. Carbon steel... good, long pulls... I really like but Turquoise...? might be out of my color range. lol Still looks like a nice knife and we have come to expect good quality from GEC.


I thought the same thing when the #33 conductor came out in the turquoise.  But once I saw one in person, I actually liked it.  It has a kind of elegance to it, which is cool on a knife as tough as a GEC

Nice looking exotic!

OK I'll keep looking at it, maybe it will grow on me....Wait.... maybe if I lived in Florida? Isn't that like the state color?

Jan Carter said:


I thought the same thing when the #33 conductor came out in the turquoise.  But once I saw one in person, I actually liked it.  It has a kind of elegance to it, which is cool on a knife as tough as a GEC

Hey Scott, great job and awesome review.

I am a huge fan of the fact that you test and review your knives. I know a lot of people gain more knowledge from hearing an actual user of a product. The scales are really cool, not my first choice, but far from my last. They remind me of crushed Robin eggs, that almost baby blue color.

Great job, excellent choice when picking out a new knife to test. 


If your hunting deer in a snow storm, your a better man than me!!!

LOL, JTS......lol.  I wish.....I wish I was hunting deer in snow storm!!
Thanks for the props guys.
I too, wasn't really moved by the handle colors but I'll tell ya, it's a fine knife and because of the color, may just turn out to be a rarer GEC.


Nope...I think Turquoise it the AZ state color.  But I do like it (maybe that's because I am a girl)

A good GEC Moose is great in any color! That Turquoise is very popular out west. Santa Fe, New Mexico it's tops.

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