My hometown of Sierra Madre, California has a beautiful little park right in the center of town. The park celebrates our town's Veterans and is appropriately named, "Memorial Park." It is sometimes referred to as Cannon Park by the locals because it has a a cannon mounted at its entrance.

Today I took Geppetto--Little Gee, as I like to call him--to Memorial Park to show him my picture on the Veteran's Wall. I would like to share some of the highlights of our visit with you...

Here is the cannon at the park's entrance...

Look who's in the barrel of that big gun...

As you walk into the park you'll pass the Weeping Wall...

This Time Capsule holds the Jump Wings I was awarded when I graduated from Jump School at Ft. Benning Georgia...

From the bench directly above the Time Capsule you can watch the water cascade over the Weeping Wall...

Just beyond the Weeping Wall Little Gee paused for a photo op...

He sure is photogenic, isn't he...

And now we come upon the Veteran's Wall. This wall was built to honor all of the Veterans of Sierra Madre who proudly served our great country. Many of us are still living here in town. Of course, many have passed on over the years due to old age. Some, too, paid the ultimate price and lost their life on the field of battle. I am honored to have my picture on this wall and be in the midst of such distinguished company. I am proud to have worn the uniform of the United States of America, so very long ago...

Looking at the front of the wall...

And here is another view...

And here I am showing my picture to Little Gee...

This photograph was taken while I was still in Jump School in January of 1964. I was 17 years old at the time. Shortly thereafter I was assigned to the 101st Airborne Division and proudly wore the Screaming Eagle patch for the duration of my enlistment.

Thanks for letting me n' Little Gee share Memorial Park with you. I hope you enjoyed viewing it as much as I enjoyed sharing it. Until next time...stay sharp, my friends!


Ron Cooper


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What a great story Ron and truly a great day at the park complete with some terrific pictures. Thanks for sharing those and thanks so much from all of us for your service to Country.

LOL @ Bob's lungs comment!

Thanks, guys, for your kind words. When I was looking at my picture yesterday I couldn't shake the inescapable fact that it was taken nearly 50 years ago. Yikes - That's half a century! Where did all of that time go? Back then I had serious concerns that I would ever see 20. Now I'm 66 -- Yikes!

Little Gee had a great time in the park yesterday. I've been dragging that little guy all over my town, showing him the sights and making him feel at home. It's about time that I put him to work and let him earn his keep around here!

Onward and upward, kids!

Now I am more proud to own the knife.


If I ever get back to CA, I am visiting that park!  What a fantastic way your town has of remembering our service men and women.

I am sure lil Gee is proud to have had the tour also

Nice photo shoot.......and thank you for your service!

Thanks for sharing,Ron, another great story

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