I just got back home from the GEC Rendezvous yesterday, and what a trip. I met up with Jan, and Donnie, and wow, they are great people.This site is blessed to have Jan as a member, she really is a genuine, Great person and her husband Donnie is alright too. : ) A very generous and thoughtful couple. I really enjoyed a long conversation with Donnie on the GEC porch.  I was gifted a beautiful knife from Donnie, and Jan, I'll share pics soon, I just need the right setup first. I've been admiring it since I first saw it, and it kept me good company on the way home. 


On the porch Jan introduced me to Ryan Daniels, we talked for a little bit, then he reached into his pocket and said, "Do you have a quarter"? My heart started pounding. After finally producing a quarter I handed it to him, he gave me one of my most prized possessions... His own pocket knife. It didn't matter to me what knife it was, it mattered that it was his. He truly is an asset to this great company, and I was very blessed by his generosity.




GEC has a small town, home town feel, they don't get that from their quality knives though, they get it from the quality people who make them. They believe in what they produce, an they stand by it, they make a difference in the knife world. American made, doesn't always mean it will have an American feel, these knives are different... they have that touch. I thank the people like Ryan, Christine, and Bill Howard who take the time, their own time, to have a conversation, give thanks for the support and give a firm handshake. These aren't business people, these are neighbors.



I have a lot more to share, especially about the blessing of family, but sweet corn calls. : )

O'yeah Jan, you picked the right one.

Views: 181

Replies to This Discussion

Jan, those knives look great, especially on that pelt. 

I really enjoyed seeing your's and Donnie's collection, it was a huge part to a great day. I hope you can get those few remaining knives on your list Jan. Please travel safe and enjoy, God Bless my friend 


Robert, thank you very much buddy.

I know your a great guy, so good things must come to you too.

wow jan those are beautiful beavertails what a great collection i'm glad to see you enjoy them.and johnny what can you say when you surround your self by good people good things will happen enjoy those great gifts you will remember that time for a long time....


That is quite a collection of Beavertails! Awesome!

Thanks guys, I understand there may be a new Beavertail soon :)

Hey, as long as my brother Levi likes getting me those beavertails, I hope they keep 'em coming. Great collection again Jan, I cant wait to see it grow here shortly.


Lets set those Traps Jan, those beavers are on the way. : )

Levi likes those Beavertails also, I think they will keep on coming.

Jan, he really enjoys the different shields GEC puts out, and I think the beaver is his favorite. I really like the little details they have on it, so it's a favorite of mine too.


The date has been set for EDC time on the Western Trapper, first day of the Pa squirrel season, not sure exactly when that is, but I'll look it up. I'll have lots of pics, and hopefully a good review to go with for my first pocket time with this beauty. 


Can't wait to see and hear all about it.

Do tell...

Jan Carter said:
Thanks guys, I understand there may be a new Beavertail soon :)


I'm starting to warm up to the Beavertails too. Jan, you'd better watch out, you'll get everyone liking these and then you won't be able to find one for yourself to keep that collection of yours going! Unless you can get dibs with one of the GEC dealers!!! I have been a bit hesitant on some of the wood handled knives as EDC's cause I'm worried that my car keys will get the handles all dinged up. Johnny how have yours fared as EDC's?


Mine hangs out at the bottom of my pocket book.  Ever looked in your wifes pocket book?  No dings so far


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