Just wishing all you fellow fathers a great weekend,and maybe some sharp,steel Father's Day gifts! A shoe box full of Twenties is also good.

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Forgot to mention I have two girls born in 1983 and 1988,and a Still Born daughter who I never got to know but never forget. Happy Fathers Day!

Today I hope there are many sharp gifts for our sharp dads!!

Happy Father's Day! Got this nice slipjoint for my birthday and Father's Day. Well, I picked it out at the Wolverine show back in April and officially took possession today! It's a 2-blade swell-center jack made by Bobby Toole with ATS-34 steel and mastodon (or possibly mammoth) ivory handles. Mr. Toole is my favorite custom maker because his knives are of extremely high quality and are priced competitively so that I can afford to get one every couple years! Most of my knives come from three factories in Pennsylvania, if you know what I mean. I don't know how to get the picture to be viewable in the post.


A happy Father's Day indeed! No sharp gifts for me. :-(


That is a beauty!  You should show us some more of his work it is awesome!


You are such a sharp Dad they are saving them up for you

I had a very happy father's day.  Had my family around me and I did get something sharp for father's day.  I got this Case fish knife.  I did pick it out myself and had it custom engraved.

Hope all Fellow Fathers had a good HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!!!!!

Did sneak in a nice used ''79 2138 LSS SodBuster for myself.

Nice Don!!  I hope your Fathers Day was fantastic!

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