National Knife Day?  ON A SATURDAY?!?  

So much money will be spent on knives this day...

This is only more true with all the sales going around!  

For example, Smoky Mountain Knife Works is having a Boker sale, 25% off -- plus FREE SHIPPING at $30!  https://smkw.com/national-knife-day-nkd

For all you chefs out there, and for all you who like to eat what those chefs made (aka, everyone), the Milk Street Store is having a sale for National Knife Day (though not free shipping, sadly, & not sure if membership is required for these reduced knife prices).  I'm intrigued by some of these blade profiles (though admittedly put off by their use of 1.4116 steel).  Regardless, here's the link:   https://store.177milkstreet.com/collections/knives

For those of us with some serious cash on hand (this ain't me), American Edge Knives -- located in my home state, Minnesota -- is having a sale for Pro-Tech Knives (10% off) & Heretic Knives (15% off):  https://www.americanedgeknives.com/knives/#/filter:brand:Heretic$25...

Off-Grid Knives is having a sale of 15% off everything, using code OGKNKD24 at check-out:  offgridknives

BladeOps is also having a sale for 10% off Pro-Tech Knives, using code PT10:  https://bladeops.com/

Knifecenter.com just had a free shipping weekend, but for National Knife Day ("NKD", for those in the know) they're offering double rewards points for knives bought this weekend (ends Sunday, 8/25/24 at 11:59:59 PM):  https://www.knifecenter.com/listing/2x-points-on-everything?sortTyp...

There were some additional sales -- via manufacturers' websites, for example -- that offered minimal discounts on limited models -- Kershaw, & Buck, I believe -- but nothing earth-shattering.  Still, if there's a maker or manufacturer you really like, check out their website or shoot them an email, there might be knives on discount that could save you on something you were going to buy anyway -- or get you to finally pull the trigger on that piece you've been eyeing for a long time.

Happy National Knife Day -- hopefully New Knife Day -- everyone!

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