Ya'll know I love a good show!  

I am headed this weekend to the Dalton GA Road Show. The housesitter is moved in!  I am pretty excited because this will be the first show this year that should have some of the 2013 releases at it.  There are so many knives I want to put my hands on.  I will be stopping at Queen because I know they have new releases I want to see and hold.

I go to these shows because I love 'em but also because bringing you all with me is FUN!

So, is there something you want me to look at?  Anything in particular you want to see?  Anyone you want me to look up and talk to?  

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Attendance was down at dalton this yearbut a good 30% of the folks we re the 30/40  year olds.  I was glad to see that

I'm speachless.......for once.

Jan Carter said:

Good to see us there. Shouldn't we have a big flashing neon sign? 

Jan Carter said:

It is a great day here in Ga.  Thought you might like to see how we are set up for this show

LOL I didnt get neon enough with the bags?  We did catch thier attention. Craig I tried to get Mr Foster to donate that to the Craig Henry foundation but he was not having it

He's no fun at all.

Great job Miss Jan, I hope ya'll make it back home safely. I am sure we will hear more about the Knife Show, when ya'll get home and are rested. Thanks, from all of us, that don't get to attend.

Craig after seeing all those peanuts I am shocked you did not pass out!

Craig Henry said:

I'm speachless.......for once.

Jan Carter said:

Looks absolutely great Jan. Thank you and Donnie so much for supporting us and all the work we do to make this a great site for all our folks! As Robert said, get back safe and sound and we look forward to the stories and pictures.

Jan Carter said:

It is a great day here in Ga.  Thought you might like to see how we are set up for this show

Jan Carter said:

It is a great day here in Ga.  Thought you might like to see how we are set up for this show

I'd definately stop at this booth.

I got weak in the knees, Cass rushed up and stuck some smelling salts under my nose. I then grabbed my small Stockman and started to repeat "I've moved on now, I've moved on now...."

Steve Hanner said:

Craig after seeing all those peanuts I am shocked you did not pass out!

Craig Henry said:

I'm speachless.......for once.

Jan Carter said:

yeah, sure. lol

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