I am new to iKnife and am stretching my wings.  One thing I know is I love Great Eastern knives.  I think their quality is hard to beat.  I only have one GE knife but it is just about my favorite.  Wish I could afford more.  Anyway I would always be interested in discussions about these surperb knives.

Stanley May

Views: 596

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I still think Case are great knives, but I must say they are in the back seat compared to GEC knifes.  I am afraid to say it, but I have also acquired GECitis.
Craig Henry said:

Case? Who's that? LOL!  I got bit by the GEC bug and got GECitis.

(no offense meant to all the Case lovers out there) :)

I'm still a fan of the CASE Seahorse Whittler, but now that GE has produced the Geppetto with a wharncliffe AND iKC has offered it as the 2012 club knife, well...I'll have a new favorite EDC.

....and there's no cure for it! Start watering your money tree!!

Stanley May said:

I am afraid to say it, but I have also acquired GECitis.

It is the most rewarding disease I know of :) 

My knives are in the mail! I confess. I ordered both the orange and the glow-in-the-dark. Hope my wife will be OK with it. After all, I'm not staying out all night spending my money on booze, right?

Jan Carter said:

Woohoo...more bullnose owners!   I cant wait to hear about them as soon as you have them in hand

If she kicks you out at night the glow-in-the-dark Bull Nose will come in handy.

On the down side, however, that glow in the dark will give-a-way your position and make it easy for her to get you in those cross-hairs if she's really mad and grabs a pea shooter. Best keep it in your pocket. Folks were always telling me that back when I was a young buck. I 'spose that's what they meant, huh?

Craig Henry said:

If she kicks you out at night the glow-in-the-dark Bull Nose will come in handy.

Stanley May said:

lol.  Yes I would say that would be handy when she does kick me out of the house.  Please send me a tent, sleeping bag, and food.  I will need that also
Craig Henry said:

If she kicks you out at night the glow-in-the-dark Bull Nose will come in handy.

lol, also send a bullet proof vest.

Look, you have to decide your priorities in life. There's knives, then there's food, then there's knives, then there's food, then there's......did I say knives?


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