If money was no object for a rich uncle of yours and you could get any knife you wanted, what would you ask him for this Christmas?

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Well, then let's have an auction!! :)

Brent Fry said:

Well Les beat me to it. I would want the same. R W Loveless big bear!!!!

There are so many, but I will narrow it down to a custom Katana from [the late] Phil Hartsfield, Gary Bradburn, 0r Pohan Leu.

I'd love a Busse SAR-6 INFI, but one better would be a Randall Model 1 fighter like my uncle carried in the Korean war.

I would like Santa to bring The President Choice knives by Queen Steel

Any MINT condition "Union Razor Company" Tidioute Pa. jigged bone or stag knife. I only have one so far and it is far from mint. Merry Christmas everyone!

I'd like to find a new CASE Seahorse Whittler, under the tree.  White smooth-bone handles with the flag shield to go with my Red and Blue ones.

I would really like a 12839 CATTARAUGUS KING OF THE WOODS with a full blade etch and a pair of dice in the handle.

I would ask Santa for a 5mm thick Walt's Classic in Abalone!

Pretty much any fixed blade knife by Dietmar Kressler.
Nice, everyday carry Scagel folder.

A Gotham folder with pearl, gold & damascus by Warren Osborne. Wow!


HI,Really love to have CASE XX MIDNIGHT BONE LARGE SILVER SCRIPT ELEPHANTS TOE,2003 ISSUE IN TIN.It would finish that collection for me.     THANKS           MERRY CHRISTMAS


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