iKnife Collector 2012 Community Knife/We Want Your Opinion On Our Next!

Moving forward in bringing to life the iKnife Collector 2012 Community Knife!!!

So far we are all in the pocket knife camp and we have had some great discussions about style..  Thank you Alexander for putting my thoughts into a language we all speak,

Frame first, then blades, then handle materials then extra's?

So far if I have been listening correctly we are looking at







1/2 congress

dogleg jack

My vote is for the Geppetto whittler.  For those of you unfamiliar with the pattern


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Can't carry a switchblade over here. Same for Germany, Danmark, Sweden, UK and many others.

Remember that in lots of countries it's illegal to even OWN an automatic let alone carry one!

In the US fourteen states allow the carry of an automatic but in ten or eleven of them you're restricted to size (usually less then 88.9mm/3.5")....fifteen or so states will not even allow you to own one and the rest will allow you to own one in your collection but not to carry.



Why not choose five or six styles or patterns of knives (NOT brands or models) and vote for them for thirty days.

After thirty days take the top three and vote on them for thirty days.

You now have a winner and go out and find some company that will produce the knife in the price range you've established.

You also have the next two years knives as well in the second and third place knives.

I agree that the knife should be economical for all to buy and with the substantial discount you should receive from the maker--we're talking $150 MSRP for around $75 which is the discount you'd get from any and all distributors if you were a knife seller (It's what I get)...Since you're going to the maker direct you should be able to get it for $60 as that would be what they'd sell it to the distributor for and they'd still make a profit.

If you want to sell it for $60 that’s fine but if you want to sell it for the $75 price and use the $15 to help pay for computer time, storage and bandwidth that would also be fine.



This may seem harsh but why not use this vote as a cleansing of your roster and expel any and all who have not voted for the knives…This is to get rid of the deadwood who joined, read some stuff, visited the site a couple of times in the first month or so and have never been back let alone never posted anything.

Regardless, you would have to have a box for “None of the Above” (on both votes) to cater to those who don’t know, care or can’t decide—which would give you a truer reflection of the decision making process.

I thought it was legal to own and carry autos in Germany since I saw them (especially OTF) for sale in all the knife and outdoor stores there?

Reply by Alexander Noot

Can't carry a switchblade over here. Same for Germany, Danmark, Sweden, UK and many others.

I love the idea of the Geppetto Whittler pattern. Three blades, beautifully useful, and an existing pattern that could be produced relatively economically. 

GEC is wonderful to work with, they are great people! 

Jan - shoot me an email if you would like to discuss my experience with GEC from last year. 



In Germany a knife can be one handed opening OR locking. But not both. You can own them. But without a valid reason you can't carry them.

Shlomo ben Maved said:

I thought it was legal to own and carry autos in Germany since I saw them (especially OTF) for sale in all the knife and outdoor stores there?

Reply by Alexander Noot

Can't carry a switchblade over here. Same for Germany, Danmark, Sweden, UK and many others.

i vote for stockman or the whittler long as it's GEC I will buy

My opinion is.....BARLOW.  Love me some barlows!!

I see ya'll point Pat but I have never seen a club knife that's not a pocket knife. I think you are looking for a user knife, the IKC knife is a bit of a collector knife. Of course it can be used also but alot of the buyers are buying it for their collection. I don't have the answer for this situation but I just added my thoughts.

Been a little while since we visited this forum but I wanted you all to know what I doing about your suggestions now.  Pat Vroman and Chris Tucker will be attending the Blade show for GEC.  I am going to print this all out and send it to Bill as a personal message.    I have seen some wonderful ideas on here and the best way to present them,   Let him read it and see if anything jumps out to him that he can do "special" for us.

I want to be certain we are addressing all our options so I will also be speaking with some other folks.  I will wait until the week of the Blade to print, so if you have any other ideas, let us know.

Ultimately, I want to have the final set up by August so we have time to get the commitments and get it made before the holidays :)

While at the Blade I had the opportunity to speak with 2 different companies.  Both are looking at our options, what they have, what they can make to fit our ideas.  Cross your fingers, I think we will have our options by end of next month

That's really great, Jan.


Just curious. Did you give our prospective knife makers a particular price-point to shoot for? If so, what was it? Perhaps a hundred or less? And please forgive me if that had already been discussed or mentioned.



P.S. ~ And, before I forget ~ Thanks for keeping those of us who couldn't make it to Atlanta up to speed on what was happening at the show -- also for all the pics you posted! Thanks for all you do to keep us in the know!!!

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