Wondering if someone can date this knife and tell me a little about it. I have looked at different posts about various Imperial tang stamps, but have not come across any information regarding this particular knife. 

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I am looking for confirmation of when the Stainless was added to the tang, I have a nagging memory of it being mid 60's but looking for confirmation,  We have a massive amount of information about Imperial on here, I am sure you have found most of it. I do know there was a KnifeWorld article in Sept 2003. You may be able to find that article in the Knife Mag archive. I will keep looking. I do know that Imperial over Prov. U.S.A. started in 1956

Thanks for the reply Jan. You said that there is a lot of information on your website regarding Imperial knives. I’m afraid I don’t know how to find that. I will see if I can find the article you are referring to.

Upper right hand of your page should have a search iKC just search for Imperial. It is links to just pics until about page 6 then it starts to show some articles. I will put some of the links below, know that within each of these discussions are yet more links to take you to everything from tang stamp info to Catalogs

Imperial Knife Co.

Imperial Knives

Imperial knife identification

Help date these Imperial Fixed blades

rescued imperial

Imperial chat

That gets you to about page 40 of 98 pages that will come up, remember a god deal of them are pics

ok, the nagging part in the back of my brain is correct Stainless showed up in 1965

I am however still having an issue locating your tang (without the crown)

Thanks for sending all the links Jan!  Still trying to figure out your forum and website. And thanks for trying to track down the tang stamp.  

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