I bought the following knife recently and have been doing a little research on older Kinfolks, but haven't been able to find a lot of information on this.  I think it's a 1939, but the stamp doesn't look exactly right; any thoughts?


Any assistance would be most appreciated.


Thank you very much,


Janice K.

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I am sure not an expert, but it looks like a real Kinfolks to me. Others will be of more help I am sure.

Sure looks like a 1925-1948 Kinfolks to me-Sorry for the image quality- The Tang photo was a pic I copied from " American Premium Guide to Knives  & Razors by Jim Sargent - The other two were photos I took off a Kinfolks PDF file on the net-It just appears that your knife has a little bit of the tang stamp worn away from time-Hope this helps !!

Thank you for the info.  To me, the main thing that doesn't look right is that it doesn't look like there was a dot above the small "I" (not even worn); and the swoop doesn't touch the 's', along with not going all the way across.  The wear just seems to be off, like not in places that would be touched or rubbed on.



Janice, interesting question- The dot  missing above the I would not concern me too much as the top of the F,L, and the  second K are faded at the top-I would chalk up to normal wear. The swoop is a different matter and does look a little odd on closer inspection.Also note the rear spacer is different in my photo from the Kinfolks catalogue. The sheath is also a little different.My photos were fron their 1948 catalogue, and I'm sure there might have been some minor changes in the 23 year period they were made - Still something to consider, though !!

Just noticed in the Kinfolks catalogue pic, the swoop does not quite touch the S either !!

Janice it does look authentic, perhaps missing the aluminum pommel. The spacers are possibly missing one set and the sheath is different but it has probably been changed. It also appears to have been cleaned a little.


With the photos (not seeing it in person)  I would say it appears real.  Has it been cleaned?  Yes.  The sheath is wrong, not unexpected at ALL with the age.  With a 23 year span of that tang being in play, I would guess that there are differences in the number of spacers.  LOL, so that is my two cents but I have never seen too many of these.  Any Kinfolks collectors out there???

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