Is the the dreaded celluloid or is it just plastic? The knife is marked, OMEGAWERK, SOLINGEN GERMANY on the main blade, the back side is marked, ROSTFREI, INOX. The main spring is badly rusted on the outside but is fine on the inside. this could be from dirty or bloody hands, it was my German grandmothers boyfriends knife from his hunting stuff. I just dont want to keep it with my other knives if its going to gas out and damage them. thanks. 

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I am going to take the guess at yes.  One way to tell is celluloid (most of the time) has the kind of look that is like you can see into the material

Thanks Jan, its been in my drawer full of "good" antiques, no corosion on any yet so I will not tempt fat, it will now libe on my workbench and just get used. I dont think it has much value anyway. 

Might I recommend ..for safety.. isolate from the rest of your collection.

How to Test for Celluloid

  1. Rubbing Method – Rub the piece between your finger and thumb until it’s hot and then smell it. If you detect a camphor or moth ball smell, your piece is Celluloid.
  2. Hot Water Method – Run hot water over your piece and smell it, if it smells like camphor then your piece is Celluloid.
  3. Hot Needle Method – Heat a needle until it’s hot and poke your item. It will smoke and smell like camphor. CAUTION: I do not recommend this method as early Celluloid is highly flammable. Do not risk harming yourself or your item, play it safe and use the rubbing or hot water methods!

I just found the identical knife for sale on a german website selling many knives. They have it lasted as celuloid grips. Vintage 1930's. I think I will try your tests too just as a learning tool. as far as I know its the only celluloid I have. Ill stick with bone and stag in the future. lol


You are wise.  I continued to buy them even after i knew the risk because, face it, they make some great looking handles LOL.  When one started to show signs, I sold them off.  The one was rehandled by Donnie and it was a hands on buy.  The buyer knew what they were and was ok with it

I have been told that sometimes the pins can be examined to see whether the handle is celluloid.

When clicking on the picture and using the "magnifying glass" there is pin corrosion.

I still have some


have them sealed in zip-loc bags


isolated from all other metal objects.


@ the first sign of deterioration .. I undress them,  i.e. remove the celluloid scales.

Someday ..perhaps.. I'll rescale them.

Thanks everyone you just helped save this drawer full. 

Oh darn, found another one. This one im sure is celulloid. Its a souvenier from some mountain in europe. Its just starting to get the corosion on the blade that sticks pit when folded and on the spring. It was in a leather pouch so it contained its gasses. Too bad its a cute little knife. Ok, now im sure my drawer is safe.

I am so glad you took the opportunity to stop and take a look.  I encourage everyone to do that.  That cute little knife is now a good user, you can no longer hurt the knife nor the value

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