Knife box

I was looking at a bunch of old antique Knife boxes and thought this might just be the place to start a discussion or collection of such...History and INPUT.. some reveal the place of origin others have artwork from the past !

Since boxes are now worth collecting for they do increase the value of knives it is a somewhat appealing subject.

Anyone having knife boxes pictures to share, feel free to add them here, so we can all enjoy them !

Thank You,



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And beautiful Girl Scout kit D ale!!

My how things have changed.  Like ya'll I can remember when you asked your parents to get you a knife and they did not immediately think about taking you to someone to talk about your problems LOL

Lee Saunders said:

I ran into this great piece of paper, not a box but an enclosure to old knives.  It would have come in the box with the knife.

It is titled How to Play Mumbly Peg

I swear I remember getting something like that with a knife I bought as a kid.  I know I remember playing.  As if it was fun.  I remember getting a little pen knife stuck in my foot and sticking a few other of our little gang!

You do one position after another----until you miss!

We were such bad little boys.  And I remember getting my sister to play games like this and she would always cry (!).  I wonder why??

I like what they say at the end as they explain how to care for your knife.

Your knife is a valuable tool as well as a plaything

Imagine tring to sell a knife to little boys and little girls now using those words!!??!!

It's like that famous (and very rare) switchblade knife that was called The Teenage Girl's knife.

Imagine running a little store by the local High School and on your counter next to the register you have a display card with bright colorful items for those teenage girls.  Like switchblades!  Adertised just for them.

They could go home and ask their mom "Mom, can I have some money and go back to Mr Saunders' store and buy a switchblade?"

Sure thing honey, anything for you.


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