
I think it was Peter Force who said (correct me if I am wrong): "Buy books and then buy Knives" - I think that is good advice.

What Books should every knife owner have? Here are two of my favorites.


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oh yeah , i have found a few at barnes and noble books just a bit $$ for me

Levine's is my go to book, but I have used this one almost as often. If you collect Case Classics, this is the book to have. Even if you don't, beautiful knives and all high quality color photography.

Some of my Favorites:

British and Commonwealth military knives / Flook, Ron

Pocket knives of the United States military / Silvey, Michael

Camillus, the story of an American small business / Lief, Alfred

Military knives : a reference book.

Civil War knives / Newman, Marc.

Swiss army knife handbook : the official history and owner's guide / Kane, Kathryn

Swiss army knife companion : the improbable history of the world's handiest knife / Wall, Rick

U.S. military knives : bayonets & machetes / Cole, M. H.

Blade's guide to knives & their values /

Goins's encyclopedia of cutlery markings / Goin, John E

Art and Design in Modern Custom Folding Knives / Darom, David

Art and Design in Modern Custom Fixed-Blade Knives / Darom, David

they won't help you determine the price of a knife but will tell you a thing or two about their history and importance!  Plus the Darom books (the last two) will simply make you drool all over the place!

I need some advice on knife books. There are so many of then that I get confused. What I'm looking for is a.) in your opinion what is the best "overall", current book listing knife valuations; b.) what is recommended for valuating Case and c.) lastly what would be recommended concerning Gerber?

Is there any sites on line that might be helpful in getting values? Some listings (on other knife forums for example) are a little too "emotional" for me.I'm looking for something very objective.

While I'm at it, could anyone recommend any references on Hot Wheels. A neighbor died and they found he was a Hot Wheels accumulator. Hot Wheels happened long after my childhood. I just remember the kids constantly playing with them and me stepping on them in my stocking feet.

eBay becomes way too confusing to value knives (or Hot Wheels for that matter) and written references seem to be way out of date. Any suggestions for the most current written references that you know to the best of your knowledge?

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.

For Case XX knives the price guides are a good start but I have a book called "Counterfeiting Antique Cutlery" by Gerald Switcher, which is published through the NKCA and is intended to raise awareness of collectors in identifying the ways Case knives are misrepresented through being repaired, pieced together from parts or outright fraud of making a marginally collectible knife appear to be a higher valued knife.

Michael on Hot Wheels I would recommend asking this member: http://www.iknifecollector.com/profile/jasonjarrett?xg_source=profi...

Jason, buys and sells toys on eBay and may know more. Here is what I would do...send him a friend request and the you can email back and forth. Possibly he might be able to help.

A lot of the knife books out there deal with history, like my current user and favorite the Official Price Guide to Collectors knives 15th Edition.

Currently unaware of any that deal with some newer companies and knives. Perhaps others can shed some light on this.

Michael D. said:

I need some advice on knife books. There are so many of then that I get confused. What I'm looking for is a.) in your opinion what is the best "overall", current book listing knife valuations; b.) what is recommended for valuating Case and c.) lastly what would be recommended concerning Gerber?

Is there any sites on line that might be helpful in getting values? Some listings (on other knife forums for example) are a little too "emotional" for me.I'm looking for something very objective.

While I'm at it, could anyone recommend any references on Hot Wheels. A neighbor died and they found he was a Hot Wheels accumulator. Hot Wheels happened long after my childhood. I just remember the kids constantly playing with them and me stepping on them in my stocking feet.

eBay becomes way too confusing to value knives (or Hot Wheels for that matter) and written references seem to be way out of date. Any suggestions for the most current written references that you know to the best of your knowledge?

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.

So true Pat and I appreciate you mentioning this. Lots of traps out there in auctions or eBay. Lots to be aware of. I also wanted to mention we are home to the NKCA: http://www.iknifecollector.com/group/nationalknifecollectorassocloc...

Any questions, comments or discussions regarding them can be posted there. Please support them and if you have a notion Pay the Membership fee and join the organization. Its like $20, so not a huge investment to keep it going and guarantee its survival!

Pat Kennedy said:

For Case XX knives the price guides are a good start but I have a book called "Counterfeiting Antique Cutlery" by Gerald Switcher, which is published through the NKCA and is intended to raise awareness of collectors in identifying the ways Case knives are misrepresented through being repaired, pieced together from parts or outright fraud of making a marginally collectible knife appear to be a higher valued knife.

What I can tell you about Hot Wheels is that unless that little car is still in the package, it is worth its weight in pot metal.  Condition is everything.   Beto Jimenez's, Bob Parker, and Michael Zarnock all have books on their value.  

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