Beaver Tails are always on my wish list, a set of the originals would be nice.  A set of the GEC playing cards is also on my list.  What is on your list?

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Anything GEC, my family knows me pretty well.
I've been hankering for a GEC elk stag toothpick, so if I don't find it under the tree this year (which wouldn't bother me) I'll be
busting the piggy bank open.

GOD Bless & marry Christmas
Lets hope you don't have to bust open the piggy bank (love that line).

Heck, that's easy.

Winning the Lottery so I can buy more GEC's!

That's my wish list.

LOL, and a spare house in Montana!!!

Oh my Yes!

That would make an especially happy new year.

Doesn't hurt to dream a little.

(Can I build it next to yours and Donnie's?)


We couldn't ask for a better neighbor!!


Now that's mighty kind of you folks!

We'll see how that stands when property values plummet after I move in.

Maybe I should settle in Martin City of Hungry Horse.  Can't do as much damage there perhaps.

You and Donnie, on the other hand, would do well in Big Fork.  We could still visit.....

Anywhere near Glacier works for me...

Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All is good here, the piggy bank is safe.




Santa was good to you!!!  Glad the piggy bank is safe.  I also got a beavertail (you know I love 'em)  Donnie was real surprised by his proto

Wow it's good to be Donnie, thats a beautiful knife.

My brothers really stepped in this year and blew me away with their thoughtfulness.

My middle Bro, got me a custom sheath, which is exactly what I wanted, the weird thing is I didn't tell anyone that.

Then the big Bro shocked me with the beavertail.


But, secretly that GEC Toothpick is really what does it, my Mom really put my Christmas over the top.


I hope  & and pray all had as good a Day as I did, may all be safe in their travels, GOD Bless and Merry Christmas.

Who else got new GEC's to show off for the holiday??


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