I thought I would start a discussion on something not related to knives, or maybe you have something related to knives to share that might generate a smile or give someone a good laugh. We all need to see the humor in life once in a while. I get some pretty funny e-mails sent to me once in a while. The snip thing in windows 7 make it easy to copy all most anything you want. I don't know if this is the right place to do this or not, but here it is anyway. Please feel free to add something to this discussion you might find funny. You may just make some one giggle or smile.

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ROFLMAO!! That's one of the funniest things I've seen in a long time!

Reminds me of our Sophie! She's a great bugger.

I'm still laughing! LOL!!!

And there are more than enough of them around.

You can say that again.

I need mt jacket.............

LOL, Maybe Ron has it!

Did you hear about the dyslexic agnostic insomiac?

He stayed up all night wondering if there really was a dog!


There was a fight in the garden.  The peas must have lost.  They all had black eyes!

Ammunition Is Getting Scarce
This morning I lucked out and was able to buy several cases of ammo. On the way home I stopped at the gas station where a drop-dead gorgeous blonde was filling up her car at the next pump.
She looked at the ammo in the back of my SUV and said in a very sexy voice, "I'm a big believer in barter, big boy". "Would you be interested in trading sex for ammo?"
I thought a few seconds and asked, "what kinda ammo ya got?"

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