After my latest fishing trip, which I discussed in this group earlier, I decided to look into the design and creation of a handmade multi-purpose hiking staff. There is one on the market made by Crawford that is amazing in its versatility, but it's a little spendy for my blood, so I decided to make my own. YouTube has some good videos on this subject. Does anyone have any experience making one that they would be willing to share with the Group?

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i am currently in the works of making my own staff. its a "survival" walking stick. i am making it from a peice of 1.25" PVC pipe. it is made of2 pieces that connect in the center. that way i can take it apart for transportation and storage.

total length is 4'5" and one section is 2' and the other is 2'5". the top section is waterproof, and can hold water if needed.

the inside diameter is 1" and film canisters fit perfectly inside, allowing me to store survival items inside the upper half. the lower half contains a knife blade and sawsall blade that can attatch to the end of the staff so it can be used as a spear or to cut tree limbs. when the knife isnt in use a small spike is treaded in the end for hiking.

the whole staff will be wrapped in camo duct tape, and the top 2' is going to be wrapped in paracord.

.... what do u think...got any suggestions?



Your survival walking stick sounds awesome!  One thing I can suggest would be to add a "basket"  just above the small spike tip.  This keeps the tip from plunging into soft ground.  Another thing you might consider is to add a threaded camera mount at the top of the staff.  Also, and it may be too late to consider this, but PVC pipe comes in several wall thicknesses, and if you're not already using "Schedule 80" PVC pipe, which is really thick-walled, you might want to check it out.  Hope this helps!

Thanks Don.  You guys try whatever y'all like but I think the old traditional staffs are the best. Let me know if it works out. Projects are fun and you learn from your mistakes.  Good luck.

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