Member needs and prayer requests

Tags: medical, needs, prayer, requests

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Prayers going out.

Mike has been my close friend since 2002, My prayers go out to you buddy, Also my prayers go out to wife Sue and Mike Jr. We are thinking about you and hope your home soon where you belong. Sincerely,


Thanks so much for the update John, I was reading your comments in chat. I really appreciate you updating us and please try to do that.

Folks, Mike Fox is a friend of many and a nice guy, he is not doing well and he needs our prayers. I ask you please.

John Kellogg said:

Mike has been my close friend since 2002, My prayers go out to you buddy, Also my prayers go out to wife Sue and Mike Jr. We are thinking about you and hope your home soon where you belong. Sincerely,


We continue to Pray for Mike and his Family

I spoke to Mike Jr. today, Mike's condition hasnt changed much unfortunatly. He is still in ICU and is on dialisis. Mike is a tough ol boy and I know he is making his best effort to recover and get back to his internett and personal friends and family. Hang in there buddy!

Love ya,

John & Cindy Kellogg

Our prayers are with Mike and his family still.  I appreciate your letting know he is doing John.

I would also like to send our Prayers to Bruce Piehl and family.  A loss of a family member is always hard to face, know that our hearts and thoughts are with you Bruce

"God, our Father, if it is your will, walk through my house and take away all my worries and illnesses and please watch over and heal my family in Jesus' name, Amen."

My prayers are with the Peihi family, Sincerely,

John Kellogg


That is a beautiful prayer

Thanks Jan. Cass sent that from work. In this day and age the more prayers the better.

I heard today that Mike Fox is back in the hospital but it is looking much better.  Keep the prayers coming

I would like everyone to keep my son in thiers prayers this week also.  The new baby is due within the month but things are not looking as well as they could

No sooner said than done!

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