Member needs and prayer requests

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Charles, my prayers are with you and your daughter.

May God be with you and your daughter.

Thank you Greg, Billy, and Craig and everyone has prayed for her.  May God bless you all.

Well Caren has been home for a couple of days but things do not appear to be not progressing as they should.  Charles is on his back to the ER with her now so lets keep her and the family in mind and send some prayers.  Lord please bring Caren peace from the pain and comfort the Sample family

Caren will be in my thoughts and prayers today. So will Charles and his entire family.

Thanks for letting us know, Jan!

My Prayers and thoughts go out to Caren and her family, also to anyone in the path of the winter storm.

Dear Lord, Please be with Caren as she is back in ER. Touch her with Your healing touch. Be with Charles and the family as well. In Jesus Name. Amen

Prayers going out.

Any word on what happened? Complications? In general, Gall Bladder surgery is pretty routine surgery nowadays. Cass had hers out in October and it was out-patient surgery. Just a few hours, and she was back home.

my prayers,and all goes well.im here if you need me.GOD bless that all goes well!

Prayers are going out for a complete healing

Thank you everyone for your prayers for Caren.  She went back to the ER this afternoon because of severe pain.  She is now back home from that visit.

She had her gall bladder removed Thursday morning.  This afternoon (Sunday) she was still in severe pain and actually worse.  I talked to her surgeon and he said take her to the ER to have them check her.  They ran a whole battery of tests, all of which came back basically normal.  The best they could tell us this evening at the ER was that it might be severe gas pains from the surgery.  They gave her a super duper pain killer shot there that immediately relieved the pain.  But by the time we left the ER it was wearing off.  They gave her a prescription for a stronger pain killer than the one she already has but the pharmacies were all closed and we can't get it filled til tomorrow.  The surgeon told us to call his office tomorrow and tell them that he wants her there Tuesday.  If the pain hasn't begun to let up by then maybe he can do something.

And please just keep praying for her.  I will keep posted of any changes.

Charles, so sorry that Caren is still in pain. She remains in our prayers.

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