Member needs and prayer requests

Tags: medical, needs, prayer, requests

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David, you and your mother are in my prayers.  Both of my parents have passed on.  I know that even when you are expecting it, it is still hard.  I pray that the Lord will comfort you and your mother and your whole family as only he can.

Our thoughts are with you all, David. 

David - I will be praying for you, your mother and all others who love and have been blessed by your father. I pray that peace and love help to cover the pain that you will face in the days ahead. Knowing that he will be in a better place, brings comfort in itself.

Be blessed my friend. 

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your entire family, David. I pray that your father's journey to be with the Lord will be a peaceful one.

My prayers are with you, David.

David, our prayers are with you and your family.

Prayers are with you David.

David, Cherry and I both are praying for you and your family ( Mother especially) has you go through this very hard time.

David, my prayers are with you and your family.

Our thoughts are with you all, David. 

David, you and your family have my heartfelt prayers. I still smart from the loss of my dear father 11 days ago.There is sadness, grief, and many tears for you and your family right now. Take what comfort you can in the fact that his suffering will soon be over and he will be welcomed by our lord and saviour with open arms.He will be at peace and free of pain.. A man such as your father will never be forgotten, and will be remembered fondly and lovingly by all who had the honor of knowing him -His earthly labors may be coming to an end, but his peace and rest from a life well lived, will be everlasting-

For all of you and your families in the paths of these storms coming through.  PLEASE be safe and know our prayers are with you and the families.  Let us know your safe!!!

Please protect them with the shield of Your strength and keep them safe from all evil and harm.  In Psalm 121:7-8, we are told, “The Lord keeps you from all harm and watches over your life. The Lord keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever.” Lord, on the basis of Your Word, I ask that You protect our family and friends with Your unfailing love this day and forever. Keep them from harm, and watch over thier lives. I ask this through Christ our Lord.  Amen 

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