Too bad I wasn't able to be in my deer blind at 1:34 PM on January 24!  It would have been an easy 75 yard shot.  Oh well, he should still be around in mid October when I can start hunting again.

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Gotta post this pic too!  This one is definitely not camera shy.

I'm sure the deer was happy you weren't there.  Or maybe the deer knew you weren't there and decided to pose for the camera.

She probably sticking her tongue out and taunting you  "Nyahh, nyahh, n-na-nayah.  You can't shoot me because you're not here now!"

He will probably still be there, at least he got shot by the camera.

Bob Robinson said:

He will probably still be there, at least he got shot by the camera.

Waggoner, Alan said: Charles he is a pretty buck. He will have 10 to 20 more inches of antler next year if the neighbor don't get him! Good luck with that.

Bob Robinson said:

He will probably still be there, at least he got shot by the camera.

Alan, that's what I was thinking.  He is an eight point now.  Next year he should have a larger rack and, who knows, maybe he might even be a ten point next season.  Starting in mid October I will have 3 1/2 months to get him.  The first month of that is bow season.  Then starting in mid November I will also have 2 1/2 months of gun season.  I can reach out and touch him at least four times as far with my .30-06 as I can with my crossbow.

You may well be right Tobias.  And they may have figured out that for the most part I let does and small bucks walk.  Of the 87 deer I saw while hunting this season, I only shot one, a small 8 point buck.

Tobias Gibson said:

She probably sticking her tongue out and taunting you  "Nyahh, nyahh, n-na-nayah.  You can't shoot me because you're not here now!"


what kind of crossbow do you hunt with and would you prefer a different one? I have always thought about buying a crossbow but just haven't because I have plenty of opportunity to hunt during gun season.

Alan, my crossbow is a Barnett Wildcat C5.  It is a 150 pound pull and has a velocity of 350 fps.  I like it.  It is the only one I have had any experience with so don't know if I would like another one better.  I have had it three years now.  I killed a big doe with it three seasons ago.  The last two seasons I didn't get a shot with it.

I have plenty of opportunity to gun hunt too.  We have a 3 1/2 month long deer season.  The first month is bow only then the last 2 1/2 months is gun also.  So the crossbow gives me a month long jump on the gun hunters.  With our mid October opener, it usually isn't very cold during that first month.  Usually just a light jacket or even shirt sleeves is adequate.


it is a nice looking set up. Can you effectively take animals at 50 yds with it?

Love those pics! As they say wait until next year!


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