Eight deer

Me and my S & W

The bucks are starting to grow their new antlers.

Here is a coyote.

How about a close up?

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Nice of him to come in for a close up LOL.
Turkey's seem to be living right below us this year. For the last 2 weeks we were gearing the hens and no Toms but this week we have heard his gobble. He must be getting ready to make some turkeys for next year and it seems they will be nesting just about 150 yards below the house. What is the best thing to put out for the would be moms to have food?

Also are seeing the deer herd again behind the house early mornings. I think they are using the path to get down to food in the hollow between the houses where the part timers live. It will be interesting to see if they continue to use it as the part timers come in for the season. I have moved the mineral block up farther from the house and closer to their path

Jan, probably the easiest thing to put out for turkeys would be corn.  The deer will eat it too.  And most of the critters in the woods.  Coons and squirrels like it too.

Thank you that article actually told me alot. They appear to be besting in an area on the edge of our property, as the article says...a forgotten area since the owner has long passed. There is a small pond down there and a seeping area from the underground spring.
I keep thinking about putting out some corn for both the deer and the turkey, but don't want the bears it may bring. Maybe if I wait a few weeks until they have other options for eating


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