Just got this one today and can't seem to find the maker. Does anyone recognize this stamp? Uneven stamped but looks like -SUS- and has a MS stamp on the back side. This is a very well made knife. I checked the ABS site, and the internet but haven't found any marks like this one.  Thanks for any info.


Tags: MS, damascus, i.d., knife

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I am looking for the makers mark but not very successfully LOL.  I have asked someone else to take a look at it for us.  I think the guard may be a clue

Thanks for looking for some info.

Assuming the MS is an ABS Mastersmith's mark, the field is limited considerably as there have never been a whole lot of makers who reach that level. I'm sure that I've have seen this marking before but can't identify it with certainty -- however, I think you should contact Steve Schwarzer in Florida and see if this was one of his early markings as that would be my best guess. If he didn't make it he'll probably know who did.


SJS was what I was thinking...although I couldn't find anything either.

Buddy-Like Mark, assuming the MS is an ABS Mastersmith's mark, I have been unable to find a match. However, from your photo it is hard to discern what is the makers tang stamp and what is actually the natural lines of the Damascus. I have tried various combinations--- SUS, SJS, SJD,etc. My suggestion is to make a rubbing of the tang stamp with a  piece of white paper and the side of a pencil. If the stamp is etched into the blade it should stand out more clearly and let us find the matching initials in the ABS Mastersmith's membership. As I'm sure you are aware, knife makers often change their tang stamps over time, so this might be the best way of finding him or her.

The tang stamp is not flat to the blade. The only way I could figure it was SUS was with a loupe.  The master stamp is not evenly stamped on the other side either, so this may not be an ABS knife. I emailed Mr. Schwarzer, but haven't received a reply. I'll upload a MS stamp side


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