I have a knife that u just got.. Never heard of the brand before.. It's called hibbard spencer Bartlett & co there is no numbers.. I know they went out of business.. Can't find anything in these knives can you guys help me out??

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John can help you Riley but a close up of the knife and the tang stamp sure helps John out.

Riley-This knife dates Circa 1865-1960--Originally a hardware store called Tuttle, Hibbard, & co. out of Chicago in 1855.Renamed Hibbard, Spencer, and Bartlett in 1865-- Major hardware retail and hardware giant- Became True Value Hardware in 1932, although some of their pocketknives were still branded as Hibbard, Spencer, & Bartlett until 1960. 

Have any idea what it would sell for?? Also do u know where a model number would be at?

Riley-- Not  a couple of easy questions-Dating the tang stamps for this company is like following ghosts-- The info is rare, if it even exists-- Second problem-- A host of companies made knives for  Hibbard,Spencer Bartlett & Co.- particularly in their early years--Companies that made knives for them- IE--Robeson,Camillus,Ulster, Utica, New York Knife Co. and possibly even some German made-- If  no tang stamp model #- hard to tell who- Even harder to tell without a match somewhere online as to who made it-- Therefore, prices are all over the map-- $20-100-Sorry, but without a match somewhere online or elsewhere, darn near impossible to determine vintage or manufacturer--(which determines the price)---- The manufacturers had different years of operation, which helps determine the vintage-- BTW, if no model # on your blades, there isn't one-- Sorry, I can not give you  more definitive answers- I have found several HSB Co. knives online-- but so far, none like your knife which make it tough to properly evaluate.

Where would the model number be on this knife?

Riley-- If there is a model number, it would be  stamped on one of the blades, either on the front or back side just like the Hibbard Spencer Bartlett  is--

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