New Case Collector Club member, going to get New Member knife!

I just got my membership packet for the Case Collector Club.  In it is a form to order the New Member knife.  I am just going to have to order one.  Not only will it be a new Case for my collection, but it will be one that not everybody has.  The $9 shipping will raise the cost to $45.99 but I figure its worth it.

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Congratulations on joining! Hope you join the Forum also now that you're a member!


Wish I would have gotten one back when I joined! You can also sign up to the Forum, I'm on the forum over there "max" is my Forum Name. they also have a limited run on Case Hats for the Forum that ends this month on the 21st. It ends up being bout $25.00 I think, and you have to be on the Forum to get one and then they're at the top of the page to link to em.

Ok I see it now. that is a good looking knife. That's a good price though for that peanut.

Been thinking about joining. Is it really worth it?

I'm a life member and it has it's perks, Annual Club Knives, a Forum Knife once a year voted on and picked out by the people on the Forum. Good bunch of people from all over the country that show up at Case events around the country and they do seem to help you out while on the road of a place to buy knives or a good restuarant.

The Forum also has a sale thread and a trade thread and a wanted thread and the prices seem better since members are selling to members.

Kind of alot like here with alot of grumpy old guys all talkin bout Case though there is a thread about , Other knives we like!

Then there's the Secret stuff I'm not allowed to talk about EVER!

I just signed my 20 month old grandson up as a junior member.  Figured I'd get him started right!

Well that comes in handy when its time to buy the Forum knife and we are waiting on the 2013 knife now should be here in a month or two. And we are in the process now of finishing up the details of the 2014 Forum Knife. As long as you log him in on the forum with a Forum name and post under that name he'll be able to purchase one also. He' ll also be able to buy annual club knives and there are also knives that are optioned thru a lottery system because of limited quantities so you'll have a extra chance at wining.
Besides teaching a young person a rewarding hobby!

As soon as I get his member packet I will register him (I will need his member number).  I am really wanting to get more Case knives in my collection.  And those special knives such as the new member knife (which I intend to get) would be a great way to do it.  Not everybody would have them, sorta like limited editions.

Also I would like to get him the Junior Member knife each year and present them to him on his 16th birthday.  (Assuming of course if I am around that long!)

Way to go Grandpa! What an awesome gift to a young man to cherish.

There are a lot of opportunities in the club , xxcutlery offers a 5% discount to club members.

That sounds great Charles!

And welcome to the disease also known as collecting Case knives!

sounds good

Yes, I definitely have a bad case of CCF (Case Collecting Fever)  And I am afraid it is incurable.  I wonder if I could get my doctor to write prescriptions for Case knives as medicine for CCF, would Medicare cover the cost?  Oh well, hope my wallet can stand the added burden.

I just took my first medicine for CCF, I ordered my new member knife.

Craig Henry said:

That sounds great Charles!

And welcome to the disease also known as collecting Case knives!

LOL!    I think Case puts magic knife dust in the boxes.....it makes you want more Case knives! 


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