
My name is Rick Perry .  I have never considered my self a 'Knife Collector', but I just received my 5th pocket knife the other day so it occurred to me that I might be in denial! 

Meanwhile, my latest acquisition is a lovely Grand Portage (Honduran Rosewood) from Trestle Pines knives.  It seems to be a good candidate for an EDC - as you folks often say.

I am a retired Chef and consequently I have always been into quality knives, and in particular - Sharp ones. Here are a couple of photos - 1st up is my new G. Portage.

Blade: CPM154 Wharncliffe 2,75"

  • Half Stop: Yes
  • Cap Lifter/Screwdriver 420SS 1.875"
  • Steel: CPM154
  • Blade thickness:  .065″ at the mid point
  • OAL Open: 6.187″
  • OAL Closed: 3.5″
  • Height: 1″
  • Thickness: .54″
  • Black Vinyl, zippered, lined pouch

Then a grouping of my 'Not really collecting' pocket knives.

I have been enjoying what I have seen so far on this forum and hope to contribute more in the future.


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Well Rick I would say you are well on your way to being a collector!  I think many of started as just a buyer of a few and sooner or later figured out we were an admirer/collector.  You have some beauties in that bunch!  Congrats on successfully uploading your pics and thanks for sharing!

You have some really nice knives there Rick!

Welcome and nice Trestle Pine!  I own a similar one myself.  Quite happy with it and carry quite often.  I love the blade shapes, and it just rides in the pocket very nicely.  Enjoy the website - I think you'll find it addicting!

Thanks Bryan, 

Yes, the Trestle  Pine is my most often carry for sure.  Nice size and weight, well made .. plus it can open a beer if need be!  So far I have been enjoying this website. 

What is the one with the black and white handle material....neat looking!..........Oh yes any more than 2 is a collection and you are on the road to more!!.....Good luck with your Collection...

Hi Sue,

The 3rd one pictured is a 'Boker Plus' Decade Edition, Lockback.  The carbon fiber scales can catch the light quite nicely.  It was one of the first knives I purchased and it turned out to be a good solid EDC.  

Welcome to Knifecollector.


Sue OldsWidow said:

What is the one with the black and white handle material....neat looking!..........Oh yes any more than 2 is a collection and you are on the road to more!!.....Good luck with your Collection...

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