Our November contest is brought to you by Mr. Robert Burris



 "I was just thinking of a way to promote our club, a little, and thought how about a knife contest that does just that."


Promote iKnifeCollector.com your way

Promote the site somewhere and just put a link in this discussion for us all to see!  

What if it is done not online?  Just put in a pic showing us what you have done!

Every time you promote us you will get a ticket in the drawing…How many tickets will you have?


We will have a giveaway to anyone promoting our community, by pictures or words.

The most creative will receive 3 extra tickets

The drawing will be on Thanksgiving.


Prizes, will be mailed to Miss Jan, next week so she can post up some pictures. There's one real surprise for you Survivalist out there. I won't say anymore, just start promoting IKC. 

Tags: Knife, contest, giveaway, iKnifeCollector, promotion

Views: 1423

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It is the weekend...Where are going and how did you promote iKC?

I thought I would let some people know, that I contact by email, daily. Not real creative, I know but it will get the word out. Still working on some more creative ideas.


LOL!..data i talk to my doc about knivs al the time...but he wont join any clubs he knows im on...LOL!..

Data (C Thomas) said:

Well I just told my doctor about the site because we were talking about David Yellowhorse.  Does that count?  I was surprised she knew who David was.

Very well Done Jeremy!!!

jeremy very simple yes,but works!!!..  i do the same thing and it works.-TRY  one on ones...actually chat with the person and get them to join in the chat...ya make a new friend and new member! 

PSSS...just dont MASS EMAIL IT...  well i wouldnt -as you may get a lot of folks marking it as spam and sometimes lots worse from bulk mailing...

Jeremy B. Buchanan said:

I thought I would let some people know, that I contact by email, daily. Not real creative, I know but it will get the word out. Still working on some more creative ideas.


Jan Carter said:

It is the weekend...Where are going and how did you promote iKC?

A friend came by the house today to get some of our cards

He said he tells people about the site all the time and wanted to give out cards.  LOL, I told him he had to join the site himself to get into the contest

So who has promoted in the past 24, dont forget to get into the drawing :)

I talked to my friends at church yesterday about it.  Does that count?

Welcome to iKC!

Thanks Guys!  Yes, it does count

Activity is up and so is membership!  You all rock, keep it up and keep letting me know what your doing....Roberts wants me to award these knives and such!

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