Hey guys, a good friend of mine from another forum sent me an Opinel to try out. He knows I'm a big GEC fan, but he wanted me to experience an Opinel. They are a different bread of knife, but they have earned their spot in the knife world.

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I got my newest one at a local imported cheese shop, how very french. lol It really is an all purpose knife, at my moms is an opinel pruning saw, I just may have to aquire it. Its just al arge opinel style handle with a folding pruning saw blade. 

people think of Opinel being just basic knives and mostly they are . However they do handles in Horn , Ebony ,Olive wood, Oak etc . Oh and of course in this , Mammoth would you believe. If you need to ask the price you probably can't afford it , as they say !!   Well I can't anyway.

If you feel you can afford this then here is a site that will ship worldwide .


Looks like they don't make the no. 5 any more.

All you need is to buy a set Charles , like this one , should be one in here to suit you .

Opinel do list a No5 in both carbon and stainless on their website,


picked mine up at the local Sportsmans Warehouse, in the camping area.

90 Euro's for the set either carbon or stainless , not a bad price is it ? I think it is time that I bought another one after having the last one for twenty years , I think a horn handle would be nice .

super set of opinel john

I have been looking at this site Tim, http://www.couteaux-berthier.com/indexus.cfm, checking out Opinel knives and have started to notice the wonderful array of traditional French knives that are available . I think next years knife buying maybe centred around French knives , this years funds are all ready spoken for .

sounds like a good idea john.  hey john, are there any fish in those bloody canals?  LOL

that's a great picture johnny


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