Fellow knife enthusiasts: I urge you to click on  akti@akti.org  and read "AKTI-It's a Busy Time". Please scroll down to Washington State HB 1006 introduced by Rep. Appleton regarding limiting knife lengths.

If you value your right to carry a knife, please realize that anti-knife groups are continually working to place limitations on knives and your right to carry one just as anti-gun groups are hard at work trying to place limitations on guns and your gun rights.

I am presently only a "grass roots supporter" of the AKTI (American Knife and Tool Intitute) which is an organization dedicated to preserving your knife rights just like the NRA is continually fighting to preserve our gun rights here in America. It costs nothing to be a "Grass Roots Supporter" but I plan on becoming a  regular member for $35.00, later this month. I wish I could afford to contribute more.

It's a pity to realize that I feel it necessary to pay membership dues to support something which is guaranteed by our Constitution, but I unfortunately do. Just like I've paid for a conceal carry permit.

I urge y'all to give serious consideration to supporting the AKTI and NRA if you value your knife and gun rights or there will come a day when all you can do is keep your knives in a case and show them to your grandchildren while lamenting "I remember a time when it was legal to actually carry this".

That day is not far off if we do nothing.

Thank you, Kent

Tags: atki, knife, legal, legislature, support

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American Knife & Tool Institute
News & Updates
September 30, 2013



As the comprehensive advocacy organization for the entire knife community, we educate, promote and inform about knives as essential and valuable tools in our daily lives. We're ensuring that you can continue to use the knife and edged tool of your choice at work, during outdoor activities, or around home.  Learn More
Dear Janice, 

Have you ever unknowingly purchased a counterfeit item? Whether it's an article of clothing, a golf club, or a knife, counterfeits do damage to the manufacturer of the legitimate item and can be harmful to the buyer. Especially in the case of a knife, for safety reasons, you want to be sure it is constructed correctly and with the intended materials. 


Here are some ways to avoid buying counterfeits:

  1. Check for proper markings. Legitimate goods have manufacturers' trademarks and brand names on the goods and packaging. Look for names to be spelled properly and for extra identification like contact information on the packaging. Be familiar with the brand you're buying. 
  2. Know what the retail price of the item should be. It's always great to get a deal, but you're unlikely to purchase a knife that retails for $100 for 1/10th of that cost. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is!  
  3. Shop at authorized retailers or trusted stores. Many knife manufacturers sell through large outdoor stores, or through smaller, established knife retailers (physical stores or online). Be very cautious and avoid buying new or like new items from flea markets, swap meets or online auction sites. If you do, make sure you have the full name and contact information for the seller (and be sure it is accurate) before paying.   
For more information about counterfeit products in the knife industry, check out "Contending with Counterfeits" by Mike Haskew. Part of AKTI's mission is to educate manufacturers and buyers on how to avoid problems from counterfeited merchandise. Watch for more information throughout the rest of this year and 2014 on fighting counterfeiting!
New knife laws are effective this year in Alaska, Indiana, Kansas, Tennessee, Texas, and more states.  Check out details on our website by typing in the name of the state in "search site" on the left side. 
Using this search feature will also help you track information about any of the state initiatives or other programs AKTI is working. 

Looking for more information about knives?
Check out the Resources section of our website for information on how to measure a knife blade, legal knife definitions, what to do when encountering law enforcement, how to search for knife laws, traveling with knives and more.

October is Your Chance to Own a Schrade Fixed Blade Knife.
Your winning bid will help eliminate confusing and constricting knife laws.


Thank you to Taylor Brands for contributing a Schrade SCHF10 Drop-Point Full Tang Fixed Blade Knife. And thank you to Taylor Brands for your membership and support of AKTI! Enter Your Bid Anytime in October. 
Be sure to tell your friends, relatives, customers, and neighbors to sign up as a freeGrassroots Supporter and to Follow Save Our Knives on Facebook and Twitter. We need people (voters) willing to take action to protect their rights.  

Check out News & Updates online for the most up-to-date information on our efforts to advocate for the entire knife community, knife owners, sellers and makers.


Jan Billeb
Executive Director
(307) 587-8296


    Join AKTI Today!              Make a contribution      

Do you think there's a problem with the knife laws in your state? Do you have a story about a legal issue with a knife? A situation caused by not knowing the knife laws in your state or where you traveled? Let us know by contacting Jan Billeb at (307) 587-8296 orakti@akti.org.

We're busy planning for 2014 state legislative sessions and talking to legislators. You can help by telling us the issues that are important to you and sharing your story.

Looking for more information about knives?
Check out the Resources section of our website for information on how to measure a knife blade, legal knife definitions, what to do when encountering law enforcement, how to search for knife laws, traveling with knives and more.

November is Your Chance to Own a Buck Classic Hunting Knife.
Your winning bid will help eliminate confusing and restrictive knife laws.


Thank you to Buck Knives for contributing a Buck 119BR Fixed Blade Hunting Knife. And thank you Buck Knives for your membership and support of AKTI! Enter Your Bid Any Time in November. 
Thank you! We appreciate that you have signed up to be an AKTI Grassroots Supporter and receive our emails! We need your help. Tell your friends, relatives, customers, and neighbors to sign up as free Grassroots Supporters and to Follow Save Our Knives on Facebook and Twitter. We need people (voters) willing to take action to protect their rights when we send out calls to action.  

Check out News & Updates online for the most up-to-date information on our efforts to advocate for the entire knife community, knife owners, sellers and makers.


Jan Billeb
Executive Director
(307) 587-8296

Many states are introducing similar, have you checked to see if you can help get it passed in your area?

Knife Preemption Bill Introduced in the Sunshine State

Florida Senator Thad Altman (R-16)

(December 3, 2013) – Senator Thad Altman has prefiled a bill in Florida that would give the state legislature the only authority to enact knife laws, preempting any county, city or other municipality from enacting knife laws.

Summary of SB 458:

  • Would prohibit state agencies and political subdivisions from regulating knives and weapons * Would provide that certain rules or ordinances of a state agency or political subdivision regulating knives or weapons are void
  • Authorize civil actions against a state agency or political subdivision that enacts or fails to repeal a prohibited rule or ordinance
  • Provide for the termination of employment or removal from office of a person in violation of the act

The Florida legislature convenes on March 4, 2014 with a projected adjourn date of May 2nd.

Encourage your legislators to support this pro-knife bill.

Find Your Florida State Senator
Find Your Florida State Representative
Follow Florida Legislation

Floridians – Be sure you are signed up as a Free Grassroots Supporter to receive any email notices of Call to Action.

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