

I was looking for a fixed blade type knife of good quality and wondered if any had any comments on Randal knives. They are expensive but are they worth the price is the big question?


I love the Great Eastern I have and was in the market but didn't see many I like from that maker in the fixed blade type. I am sure I can find cheaper but was still interested in hearing comments from first hand users of this make.



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Hi Donald, I hope you are enjoying the club as much as I do. You have asked a question that alot of members toil with alot. Yes in my oppion a Randall is worth every penny you pay for it. It is a great knife with a history and resale value. The question you must ask yourself is how much money are you ready to spend on a user knife. Everyone has their cut off point. More than a certain amount an it will be a collectable knife only. I use a Randall and a Treeman and a few other high priced knives but that's me, you must decide all that on your on. A Randall is a great user!



Well here is the thing. Randall knives are new to me. I have no objection to spending the money on something that will last a life time, presume I do my part and take care of it. I sent e mail to this company asking questions on blade material and I am still waiting for an answer. For this price I do expect great customer service and a reasonable product guarantee, but I have found nothing in writing on their web site that explains any guarantee. Perhaps I didn't look close enough. I want something can can be passed down from me to my grandkids and I don't mind paying for it, but I do expect them to answer customers e mail.


There are several knives I see that I like and I am toying with the idea of buying. It's looking good.

OK Donald, I will explain a little bit about Randall knives. There is a 5 year waiting period on one from the factory. You can get one from one of their distributors but will be alot more expensive. That's up to you. There is alot of fine knife makers that are in that price range. You should look at alot of them before you make up your mind. I will suggest two that I think make some of the best hammer forged carbon steel knives around. They both have different styles. The first is Treeman Knives and the second is ML knives, both have shorter waiting periods. Please search around for a good while before you spend the money and make up your mind.

 Oh wow...


I was actually looking at Treeman, have to look at ML too

Well I sent Randall e mail again. I hope it doesn't take five years for a reply..lol

Whil Randall knives certainly are extremely well-made and lend themselves as superb knives for both display and using I would say that the price tag and difficulties to obtain one/waiting time isn't quite worth it. That's my own personal opinion though and I know that there are money out there that believe the exact opposite.


I also agree with Robert that a knife of that caliber should be used and often so that it can be properly appreciated, I have never quite understood the method of paying premium money for a knife and then only have it for display instead of putting it to it's right use. As I mentioned in another topic, another person out there are aching to get their hands on that knife and dying to put it to use, rather your "fear" of harming the knife is a sign that you aren't quite ready yet to handle a knife of such caliber.


Hesitation leads to mistakes and mistakes leads to disaster. It's exactly the same with fear of harming such an expensive craft, your fear will create mistakes in your technique. I have seen numerous students ruin their practice swords (I've also been one of them in the past but *cough* let's not mention that) through fear of deploying it full-force and with a calm and focused mind.

You simply have to plunge into the deep waters and get aclimatized so that you can start enjoying the fine craft you got :)



My intention is to use what I buy. I saw one on Great Eastern maybe I will go back. I dont want it so bad that I will wait five years. I will do something else. I agree. If you buy it why not use it. That is how I feel when I recently bought a sunfish from Great Eastern. I am impressed with the quality of that knife but I didn't see a big selection of fixed blades, and what I did see I did not care for the handle style. I will keep looking


Now see...


I e mailed Treeman with questions and told him what I was looking for and he e mailed me back fast with several suggestions in less than what? two hours? This is what I expect from a good company. This is what I call great response and good customer service.

Donald, I own two Treemans, a medium and a large [not too large] and they are great. They take a razors edge and can be resharpened so easy it will blow you away. You will love a Treeman. You will love an ML also.
You have been allot of help thank you.
Donald, I think what everyone is trying to tell you is that Randall is a good knife but their is alot of other good knives also. Take the time to look around and decide which one is best for your needs. Please let us know which one you decide on and a picture when you get it. Good luck with the project.

Thank you guys...

I am looking for a good trout knife. Like I said in another thread I have an old schrade that would problably work but since its in great condition I rather get something else. I don't know how old this Schrade is but it has the Napa logo stamped on the leather sheath along with what looks like a bear. I say Napa as in Napa auto parts. I could use that I guess.


But yes I am looking and thanks for your help. What ever I decide on I will post pictures

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