Randall Made Knives — — Hosted by Andy Voelkle "AxeMan" — Randall User Since 1965

Knives hand forged on the anvils of Randall Made Knives in Orlando Florida have been world famous since WW2. They are very strong fixed blade knives proven in combat and around campfires worldwide. If you are interested, pro or con, join us!

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Comment by Tom Peterson on January 30, 2014 

Hey RMK Fans,

I stopped by the shop to get a little touch up on two of my Randalls and they had about 15 knives in the show case for sale. They are trying out some new linen ivory micarta and had knives handled with it in models #25, #2, #5, Alaskan Skinner. They also had a few other knives with leather spacer handles such as a #1-8", a #8 old style Bird & Trout, and maybe a Sportsmans Bowie. I'll attach a picture of what they had below. Tell them that Tom sent you if you decide to pick one or more up. Happy Shopping!


Comment by Jerry Moores on January 31, 2014

Tom - big thanks again! Last time I got a 2 - 5 Ironwood and I just called Jason and that 2 - 7 white ivorite!!!!! Be here Tuesday!

Comment by Andy Voelkle "AxeMan" on July 7, 2014

Good luck, God bless and Happy Trails to you all. I am retiring from IKC.

Comment by Tom Peterson on July 7, 2014 

Hey AxeMan,

Best wishes Sir! Hats off to the founder of iKC's Randall Made Knife group! Hope that all is well with you. I have been in semi retirement from iKC also - got busy making knives of my own and haven't had any money left for collecting them. I also found that the joy of buying a new knife was pretty short lived but the joy of making a new knife lasts as long as it takes me to make it and until the time that I part with it and it returns with each positive comment I get back on that knife. Please come back and share knife tales and pictures once in awhile.

Stay sharp!

Comment by Steve Hanner on July 7, 2014 

Best of luck to the both of you. I certainly enjoyed your comments over the years as I have been here since 2009 and seen the many comments and fun ramblings you made. My best wishes for whatever you do!

Comment by Tom Peterson on July 7, 2014

Thanks Steve,

I'll be back every now and then. As my knives improve in quality I may post some pictures of them too.It sounds like Andy - AxeMan is taking a more permanent or extended break from us. Let's all wish him well....

Randall — Legend, myth or the Best knives ever made?

Posted by Andy Voelkle "AxeMan" on May 13, 2009

All three, in my never very humble opinion. Why not express our opinions positively, after all— — unless we're writing a text book they're just opinions. Of course, the opinions of "Randall" fans are probably more carefully considered and likely to be on the mark, eh?

So I've written a story about my first Randall number 14 long ago at the beginning of what historians mistakenly call the "Vietnam War" — it never had anything to do with the country of Vietnam — that was just one place we played the great game.

Check out my blog if you have a few quiet moments to go back through the veil of time and consider a REAL Randall 14, a few spies and three tigers. Then tell us something about a Randall Made Knife.

Reply by Frank Stennett on July 5, 2011

Been collecting pocket knives for years. When I decided to get a fix blade I remembered someone had mention their liking the Randall knife. I now have 2 Randalls that I am most proud. Maybe one day a Halo and then a Mini.  

Reply by Shlomo ben Maved on July 9, 2011

Well, I love Randall Made Knives, I have fourteen different models at present and about to get six more that have been ordered for a few years and will be shipping in Aug/Sept.-- my wife, my daughters and myself all ordered the knives (2 blade limit) at the same time hoping I'd get them for my 60th birthday, last March, but six months late is better then never.

As to the best knives ever made, I'll say NO as I have other makers of equal or better workmanship for around the same cost that are available with a shorter wait time...If you were to say one of the the best makers in the $250 to $500 range (of course and higher but the average blade is $375 of the 61 models they offer) then I'd agree with you in an instant or even one of the top ten makers

Have they been elevated to such high esteem because of workmanship vs. cost or because of their long wait period (four plus years)...Something like Busse knives making only one (seldom two) blade style(s) a year and if you don't like it you have to wait for when he decides to make one that you'd buy and if he has already made it, chances are slim to no way in Hell will he make them again--he built in his own collectability but why he calls himself a custom maker is beyond me?

The first custom knife I ever bought was a Model 12-8" Randall Bear Bowie back in 1969, followed by a Model 1-6"" and a Model 2-5" a few months later...The Model 12 was just a bit too long for getting into half-tracks and sitting comfortably so I shifted it to a shoulder strap on my pistol belt..

Reply by Andy Voelkle "AxeMan" on January 30, 2012

 I'm happy as a cat to have started a very interesting discussion. Really can't argue with you guys. I'd like to opine that discussions in our Randall area are more meaty than some groups where nobody explains their opinion and observations, where simple disagreement rather than explanation and discussion prevails, etc.

   Much of my love of Randalls comes from using them in the field, so I'll explain why the old guys (or was it the incomparable actor Alan Ladd?) put the recurved and moderately sharpened tip on this fighting knife: as a tactic, stabbing is far more effective and quicker than slashing. The latter might take 60 seconds even if done decisively.

   A tactic called "raking" uses a backslash of the tip across any target skin. Such a wound irritates far more sensitive surface nerves than a sharp slash. The terrible distraction, in the following few seconds, often leads to a strategic error on the receiver's part and decisive final attack against him.

   Stabbing, raking, and slashing. I was lucky enough to have a class by an early teacher of the "thrust-slash" school. I would add "rake" to that.

   It is fitting that mankind's oldest and most useful tool (and, I suppose, weapon) is made in so many designs by so many talented craftsmen, artists, and makers whether by forging or stock removal or both together. An awesome bowie, James. There may be others closely similar, but that one is yours completely.

It pleases me to think all the knives we carry in war or on hikes will outlive us all by centuries, and someday fan out in all directions from Earth, carried by our ancestors to successful colonies so very far away. And maybe to an unforeseen bug hunt.

Show Us Your Newest Randall's!

Posted by Tom Peterson on May 21, 2012

I just picked up these recently - two at the annual sale and one from a dealer. My collection continues to grow albeit somewhat slowly!

Reply by Stephen Robinson on May 22, 2012

Hi Tom, they all look great. Your collection is really big compared to mine - currently at zero, but I will soon receive my first one, after five years waiting. I've just been charged for it, so it can't be far away. Stephen

Reply by Stephen Robinson on July 1, 2012

Here's my newest, and first, Randall, a 5-6, made to my specifications and 5 years in the waiting. It's more precious to me because of that. I've included a Fallkniven F1 as a size reference (its blade is slightly red because of the reflection from my jacket). My first impression is that the blade is great but the handle feels quite big in my hand. I hope I'll get used to it. I'm generally more comfortable with smaller handles, like that of the F1

Reply by Robert Burris on July 2, 2012

Stephen, that is really a sweet Randall, you have there. Good luck with it.

Reply by Tom Peterson on July 25, 2012


Very nice knife sir! I haven't been on iKC in several weeks so I'm sorry for not commenting on your knife earlier. I really like the single finger grip black micarta on your knife. You have equipped it nicely! I think after some handling you will get used to it. Enjoy!

Reply by ken benson on August 14, 2012

 I want to encourage those who want a  Randall Made Knife and are not made of money. I decided to order one and try to be patient and now only have 13 months left.   The patience thing never worked but the time has flown, too fast maybe.  I have been blessed with some success in life and can not complain , I am retired with a roof over my head and enough to eat. I can't have a p-51 or a Ferrari. I have  a Mercedes Benz , but it is thirty years old.  But I can have the finest knife there is and really when compared to other items,, special toys or  luxuries, it is  very reasonably priced. I will pay $405.00 for my #1 -7" APFK. That's All Purpose Fighting Knife,  special ordered just like I wanted it . Any major purchase for one of my plague of locust harleys is 400.00,  for a carb, or  primary drive, maybe a new tires and new ignition etc. I have a bunch of guns but  I don't think I have one that would sell for less than 400.

  I don't have to justify my spending to anyone other than myself, and I am very underrstanding.  I post this to encourage others to go ahead treat yourself. If you're a knife lover and user, you deserve the best.  At the time of my initial order. The deposit was 50 bucks. A dang Case stag 3 5/8 stockman 18 pattern ( my fav edc) is crowding a 100.00. Go for it. If those Mayans don't screw things up or aliens attack Idaho I will be wearing my Randall Made on my belt , after this winter,  next spring and summer. You know how fast that comes and goes. I know you guys too ,  several of you have Christmas lights up on your house  all year around.  because time flies.

  Can you believe no one  in my house thinks this is a big deal but me? I knew you guys would understand.


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