
Sam Jones is my coach, close friend, and one of the most selfless individuals that I have ever known. His family has maintained a boxing gym in the coal mining town of Glouster OH for over 70 years. Sam is a fixture and a local hero in a depressed area that it seems that time and the government have forgotten. In an area of proud hardworking people who aren't raised to give up, Sam gives freely of himself to reinforce that ethic.

I help Sam whenever I can, and last Wednesday I gave him my entire RR collection to use as door prizes/raffle items/etc. at his next fundraiser. All were basically NIB, and can be moved at a price point that will make them perfect for their intended use. Plus it just seemed like a Rough Rider thing to do...    (Tom, I did keep my Tom Hudson RR Special though...gotta have at least one RR to hang with this bunch! )    Steve

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Steve that was great thing to do and you don't need me to tell that!  I can relate to Sam and the things he does, he deserves our respect and thanks too. I am also sure the folks at Rough Rider would like it too. Let him know iKC is behind his efforts 100%!

Steve I'll be over that way this Monday and/or Wednesday night, and I'll pass on the well wishes...he'll be grateful.  For all of his world class background and accomplishments, he is one of the most humble men that that I have ever known. That's just Sam.

Great contribution, Steve, a great and worthy cause also.


How can we help?  How do we donate? Let's get the word out to people that want to be involved in making your donation a successful fund raiser for this worthy cause!  If nothing else....let's get folks some information on how the fund raiser will take effect.

Your example of giving back is the reason I hang out with knife folks Steve.  Thank you for letting us know about this worthy cause


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