I know I'm not the only one.  I love the Scout knives.  I don't care if you call it the Camillus C-4 pattern, Boy Scout knife, camp knife or what have you; I think it is one of the greatest and long lived patterns out there. 

Just about every knife maker in the world has made one so no matter what brand you collect you should have at least one Scout/camp/hobo.  and if you don't have one and you go hiking, camping, fishing or some other type of outdoor activity what knife are you carrying in you pocket and what have you done with it?

Here is one of mine.  It is the Case Scout Jr. (one of the few that probably won't be carried.)

This catagory now has its own Group


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For now, I'm going to settle for the images. You can't own them all! Besides it isn't even an Official Boy Scouts of America Knife!  It's just one of these cheap imitation ones that flooded the market!  LOL

Oh and the seller says it is  from 1905-14.  However the the tang stamps date it between 1914-1920.  Seeing how the Boy Scouts of America were founded in 1910,  I'd bet the knife actually dates from 1920, 10th anniversary of the Boy Scouts. I'll need to do a little investigating.

Hmmm 48 stars on the flag.  Yes I counted them.  that means 1912-1950.  We've already eliminated 1905-1911. Hard to imagine it being done between 1914-1918 (WWI)  But I can imagine it being a big hit after the War.   I'm 99% sure it is from 1920

After reading thread I knew I had to get one. Started looking at the usual places, then while attending a benefit garage sale this morning came across this beauty for $2. How fast did I grab it?
Don't know anything about it. The only marking is rostfrei on the main blade.

Wow, great deal, Bobby. I never find anything good at a garage sales.

This is the first time I ever got a good deal at a garage sale. But it was in a small community where a six year old had drown and seems like the whole town pitched in for the fundraiser.

These are a couple of my vintage Hobo collection. The first is a 4 line Camillus, WWII era, or older, I'm not sure. The second, I am really happy to own, it's a German WWI military mess kit, Hobo. Thanks for viewing.


Robert, those are 2 prized possessions. I would love to hear the stories they have to tell. Thanks for posting.

Thanks guys, I love Hobo's.

Just picked this up yesterday - Japan

I keep seeing those and keeping passing on them.  What is your opinion, Ken?  How must would you pay for one fair and/or excellent condition?

This one seems in good shape - I paid $5 for it, and that's enough.


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