Since we are all knife collectors I thought it would be nice for everyone to show off a collection are two. Get one of your favorite collections together, 3 to 6 knives in all and post us a picture. It can be by pattern, style or maker; fixed or folder. What ever makes them a collection. You may post more than one collection but just 3 to 6 knives in each.

  This is not a contest, just a way to show us your knives, for all to enjoy. Lets have some fun.

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Admittedly, one of these knives is not like the others  but it is close enough!

These are my riggers based on the VN47408 or NATO pattern British three piece clasp knife.

From left to right, 

the Genuine British Army Knife (the three piece clasp knife)

JR 4009 Challenge Yachtsman (note the integrated shackle key in the stainless steel handle)

The Gordon #97222 Rigging Knife (Shackle key replaces can opener and serrated sheepfoot)

Maxam #180-219547 Sailor's Tool (has secondary shackle key & can opener - said to be 440C SS)

All are excellent.  The Maxam needs a little modifying in order to use the integrated flat head screwdriver but is probably the best bang for your buck, especially if  drop the knife overboard!

Wow Tobias, that's a fine collection of Rigger patterns. I have grown to like them more and more. The collection of fixed blades is nice to, they all have unusual handle scales.

  This is fun getting to see more and more of everyones collections.

I've enjoyed viewing everyone's collections. Thanks for posting them. These are all Sheffield-made MOP knives.


Great Riggers - and great MOP's

OK S-K, That is a table full of beautiful!

That's a fantastic layout of MOP, S-K.

My Kissing Crane Collection

Excellent Kissing Cranes.  I especially like the composition "soddy" type knife.

Rough Rider "Canittlers"  (only 2 1/4 inches closed)

Orange Smooth Bone, Jigged Red Bone, and Pink Lemonade

Note split back-springs!

Compared to a standard 3 5/8 inch canoe

Great RR's Tobias. That Yellow KC Soddy is called a "yellow mule" - its Kissing Crane made in China. I just got it today. It seems like a real nice knife.

Great display using the horseshoe.

Great knives guys, I'm gonna try put on some German Kissing Cranes next.

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