What's your view? Here's the situation-

We know the big push lately to "Buy American" but it seems it really only became an issue when our firms here begin to struggle to compete. And now our firms got hit with the one/two punch of our severe rescission, it's almost like someone is Un-American if anyone buys foreign-made knives.

Shouldn't knife buyers have choices and be able to buy what they want? Yes, some of the oldest knife companies in America's future may be on the line here, but shouldn't they be forced to remain competitive instead of our gov protecting them or there being a stigma created if someone wants to buy less expensive knives?

So what say you?

Tags: commerce, debate, knife-companies, patriotism, tariffs

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I buy based on price and value
I prefer knives made in the USA
But, if the price is right, I'll buy a knife no matter where it is made
Maybe I am going fishing and I forgot my fishin' knife
I only have $18.50 in my pocket
I stop off at Wal-Mart
They have a Buck 385 Toothpick (Made in China) for 17 bucks
Isn't that 17 bucks going to BUCK KNIVES based in Post Falls, ID?

I think they main argument against buying foreign knives is the false perception that "cheap labor from overseas" is the main reason for the decline of the manufacturing sector in America

and some feel like the wages that a Chinese factory worker is "not enough" and they are being expolited by working for 2 bucks an hour.....

but shouldn't they be forced to remain competitive instead of our gov protecting them or there being a stigma created if someone wants to buy less expensive knives?
I think it does force them to remain competetive
I don't tell other people what they should and should not buy
I leave it for them to decide
All other things being mostly equal, I will take some pride in using the "buy American" argument as the tie-breaker in deciding between knives. I say mostly equal because I am willing to pay slightly more for the American made knife if the quality is there. The reason for that is mostly due to warranty and customer service concerns.

I also feel some disappointment when the knife should be made in the US but is not. Case in point, Kershaw's OD-1 and OD-2 models. The OD-1 is made here in the US. Its smaller brother the OD-2 is made in China. I have to admit I felt some disappointment in the OD-2 due to its origin. Both knives are just fine however quality-wise but I like the OD-1 a little better knowing it was made here.

So I have a preference for made in the US, but it doesn't stop me from spending my money on quality items made elsewhere and I don't have a habit of bullying others into buying anything.
Trent makes a valid point. Buy a imported BUCK, cost is still going to BUCK.
There are American companies that can be competative and then there are those that can't.
If we want to keep jobs in America, the government needs to reverse some of its restrictive and counter-productive regulations on American businesses.
Besides, if I was to loose a $75.00 CASE I'd feel a heck of a lot worse that if I'd lost a $15.00 import. (and that's happened to more folks than me, I'd wager.)
not being American i find it weird that people think anything not made in America is cheap crap because it is just not the case. There are plenty of high quality knives produced out of the U.S such as Muela of Spain.
I am going to buy what I like. All things equal, like David said, I'll go American. But, we are already WAY down the way of a one world economy now. All companies better get lean and mean to survive (unfortunately for the labor force and unions that means automation)...the playing field is different today.

The world countries' economies are so intertwined now. Plus, when China, for example, is one of the biggest buyers of US debt, so you think our gov. is going to slap them with tariffs and import fees to protect the tiny knife industry here?
Your absolutely accurate point about quality begs the question. Is there pressure or preference in other countries to buy knives (or other goods) made in that country over others? Do knife buyers in Spain feel any pressure or preference to buy Muela over other brands?

As Scott said, it is more of a global economy now, and the US is not the only country to feel economic pains. This makes me also wonder if the shape of the global economy is influencing the purchase of foreign vs. domestic knives in all countries, not just in the US?
Great responses!!
I always like hearing how others feel on the matter.

And you guys are civil and calm and collected!!!
On some other knife forums I am on they get all bent outta shape about non-American knives

To be honest, I never really knew the CAUSES for the decline of the manufacturing sector in America until I started researching the issue
I would always hear people claiming foreign competetion was THE reason why Schrade,Camillus, etc shut down their factories
I agree it IS a FACTOR
But not THE main factor

If you want to blame anything for the decline of the manufacturing sector===>
Blame the ROBOTS!!..lol

Productivity has increased the last 30 years in the manf. sector
Meanwhile, the number of jobs have decreased
How could that be you ask?
It means that the one job/task at the John Deere factory that used to employ 5 workers===>
Is now done by ONE robot (or some other technological innovation)

Do a Google search on "decline of the U.S. manufacturing sector" if you want to learn more
The info is out there............................
An American company putting their brand name on a chinese knife......Well I don't like it.....I just don't like it.
I see and hear at the gun shows when they pick up one of my knives ( of which some are china made) they say oh china made then they put it back down. Now mind you not all do that but some do. But then when they look at the USA made knives they always comment on how high the prices are . They want Amercian made knives at China prices. Thats not gonna happen. I take pride in all the knives I sell even the China made ones because they are made of good quality and the prices are very reasonable. Also if you lose a $10 or $ 20 knife you wont cry like if you lost a $60 USA knife. I am not going to get into the politics of it all, I just thought I would share with you what I see and hear from cutsomers at the shows.
One more thing I would like to add. If you think about it , it is very difficult to buy everything you own Amercian. Dishes, clothes, linen, cars, etc, etc. Get my point?? So I say what the heck I think give ppl more options and let them decide for themselves.
i think you have a good point about quality control but a job gained in one country is a job lost in another. obviously everyone wants to keep their job but in my opinion America is already better off than many other countries and when it comes down to it are you gonna work for a dollar a day?
Great topic here.

Here is my two cents.

I will leave politics out of this and talk as an American Knife maker.

Being a knifemaker and living in the usa has offered me the chance to make a living with my hands and i thank everyone that has supported me and my work.

I love this country and what I do. I like to think my work shows that. I put every ounce of what I have into every blade I touch. The American flag that is on my website means allot to me. I also like to think that the days of "Made in the USA" still has a meaning to many folks.

I'm not saying everyone should have to buy an american made knife if you cant afford one at the moment, but supporting American companies helps keep food on the table for allot of hardworking people.


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