Does anyone use the solunar tables to schedule when you hunt?  I've never paid much attention to them.  Don't know if they are accurate or not.  Would like to hear what everybody else thinks.

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Charles, I hunt entirely by the solunar tables, and they are rarely disappointing.I have a membership to North American Hunting Club. Their magazine includes monthly solunar tables so it's easy to track. 

Zane, here is a site that I think you will like.  Among other things it also gives the solunar times for each day.  One of the parts that I like is the scent cone maps.  It plots the predicted wind speed and direction for any point for the next 72 hours.


Charles, I have written down the dates from the Magazines of when the moon is right. But the precise date usually lands on Sunday and I don't hunt on Sunday. The next day is similar I guess, but I have never noticed a difference. I do think there may be but I am not sure.

Ken, I don't hunt on Sunday either.  Up until last year when I retired, I always had to hunt whenever I could.  Never had the opportunity to choose when conditions were right.  Usually just had to hunt on Saturday.  Now that I am retired, I can pick and choose when to hunt.  And with a three and a half month long season, I can afford to hunt when the conditions are right.  But sometimes I just hunt when I feel like it.  If its a beautiful day and its not too cold, sometimes hunting is just an excuse to get out and enjoy nature.  And if I get a deer, just so much better.

Well put Charles - retirement sure has its advantages.

I agree Charles, just being "out there" is worth going for.

Charles Sample said:

Ken, I don't hunt on Sunday either.  Up until last year when I retired, I always had to hunt whenever I could.  Never had the opportunity to choose when conditions were right.  Usually just had to hunt on Saturday.  Now that I am retired, I can pick and choose when to hunt.  And with a three and a half month long season, I can afford to hunt when the conditions are right.  But sometimes I just hunt when I feel like it.  If its a beautiful day and its not too cold, sometimes hunting is just an excuse to get out and enjoy nature.  And if I get a deer, just so much better.

That is some interesting info on that page Charles.  We fish by the barometric pressure movement sometimes but did not know there was an optimum time for animal activity also

I believe they work, along with weather patterns, but I always hunted whenever I could get out the door. Now I don't go out as much and probably will use them more. Good discussion and thanks for the invite to this group.

Thanks for joining the group Bob.  Glad to have you here.


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