Trackrock Hammer-in Spring 2015

For me this event is every bit as important to the knife community as going to the Blade Show.  At Blade you get to see what the companies are coming out with next.  Here you may get to see the next great hand forger working on a knife.

Now don't get me wrong the adults get a chance to forge beside some well know makers if they want to also.  It is a great place to decide if you want to do this or even to come hone your skills.  But my favorite part is watching the youngsters.  

Carl Rechsteiner has been holding this event for 14 years, twice a year.  There are now some very good 20 something knifemakers that swung their first hammer right at this event.  And some even younger still.  This is Scout setting up his station last night.  I have gotten his permission to film him some today for us

Here he is last year teaching his younger brother

So stay tuned today and tomorrow and I will be bringing you some masters, some first timers and some fun at the forges.  If your close enough to us, come on by the Hammer In is free for all!!

Tags: 2015, Hammer-in, Spring, Trackrock

Views: 394

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Old friends meet

and new ones are made

Blood Root Knives and Boothill Blades, finally meeting and having a chance to talk techniques.

Looks like a lot people having fun and learning. 

More to come, I need to edit some vids and finish going through the pics.  Thank you all for coming to the Hammer In with us!

Looks like a lot going on, and a lot of fun also.

glad you had a good time jan.  looking forward to your new bowie pics.  woo-hoo!

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