My wife bot me a Marbles scrimshaw leg knife. The box that it came in is pretty but the foam holds the blade in a partially open position. Won't long term storage of this kind eventually damage the spring?

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JJ., Case still does this.  My BSA Scout Juniior came with the doo-dad!  Thanks but no thankls

Tobias Gibson said:

I wish I could get a better picture of the drawer where my Marbles knife went. In any case, if the knife doesn't have a bail and I feel like it should be displayed it is placed on a shelf or in a drawer.  The Marbles knives became part of my White Smooth Bone Collection.

Another very crappy shot with my Camera of the full collection as of today. (Some how a yellow comp knife slipped into the drawer!  I'll need to spank it and put it back where it belongs!)

Gratuitous photo of the scrimshawed Marbles and a Rough Rider

That is a nice collection of White Bone, the first I've seen other than mine.  I like jigged bone and dyed bone, but there is something about the smooth white that really draws my eye. Mine are all Schrades that Herman Williams re-handled.

I would have to agree with the ...full open or closed, unless it has half stops. I know I've bought more than one knife that "as new" but had very little snap do to being displayed partially open. That being said, I'm old enough that I probably won't be the one selling my collection, so I'll do whatever makes the display look right.

I think the half stops are the key here but I would still go with full open or full closed for long term


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