This is the way that I think, I want to know if anyone feels the same way... I don't know, I'm a weird guy. ;)

Well, I always think about survival, even in urban living. For example, if I am hungry, and the food I am about to ingest doesn't taste good, I'll do it anyways, I always kinda think, "It's good energy". I like to keep a nice sharp knife for batoning logs for fire wood, even though I won't have to make a fire in my backyard, things of this nature! Taking little shortcuts to conserve energy and things like that.

I was just wondering if anyone had felt a similar way. I know it isn't totally unique to me, though I want to know if any Iknifers had the same thoughts.

Maybe I'm just thinking out loud again, I dunno. Guess I'll see in the morning. :D

I think this quote sums up my feelings on energy conservation and taking shortcuts...

“Do nothing which is of no use.”

~Musashi Miyamoto


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I have thought about this a lot. In my younger days I had a bug out bag packed and ready to head to Wyoming.

However, now I live at the base of the Rockies I have the mountains to my back and metro Denver to my front. The roads are so jacked here it would be impossible to "Bug out". During a normal day you run into grid lock whenever wherever you go so getting out in a disaster scenario would be impossible.

The only options is to hunker down in place. So with that in mind I have a few tricks up my sleeve to survive for a while.

1) A 3000 gallon pond. Good source of emergency water.

2) Self defense .Stashed in various locations. Always a good sturdy knife & firearm on my side when out of the house.

3) Small military surplus generator with fuel. Natural gas, propane or Gasoline.

4) 60 day supply of dried foods.

5) 60 day supply of medication. This is the real show stopper. Since I need this daily, once it is gone then the rest does not matter.

6) Neighborhood agreement to watch each others back.

Great reminder of important necessities...Phil

1) We Have an above ground pool which we use for water storage for the orchard...need to switch to enclosed.

2) My stashes are 120 miles apart...may have to re-think that.

3) The fuel I do need to switch from steel cans to plastic. Will have to figure out if I can run diesel in my generators. Todays gasoline is terrible and is tough for me to rotate out but the diesel would be no problem.

4) I have gotten lacked on dry stores. Need to build back up.

5) My meds I rotate on a monthly basis...60 day supply.

6) We're pretty lucky with neighbors; two engineers, one EMT, retired Sheriff and I'm the guy with a shop full of tools and equiptment.


Thanks for the reminder list.




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